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Well I have not been on in awhile, because things were going great. BM moved an hour away 2 times since we won placement in January 09. She moved in July of 09 and again in November of 09 and eventhough I think it sucks for my step son to move again and againg BM is only putting more nails in her cuffin. She swore to the court she was not going to move and that is why she should have placement because ss was going to head start where she lived, because she signed him up without telling Dad!!! Anyway Dad won placement so BM only sees her son 5 times out of the month, wed and EOW he lives here the rest of the time, well BM moved an hour away so I do not have to see her out about much anymore!!! Not seeing her really helps me deal better, but now because of christmas break I had to see her on christmas because she gets him at 1 and then we split the school breaks so she will have him until wed. and I do enjoy the break from him but hate he has to be with a crazy person who fills his head full of shit for days. Well it has been almost 5 years since I have been with my husband and ss is almost 6, and BM has had a few boyfriends ss has meet, but the other day he told me BM has a new boyfriend and he is a cop which is funny because she has been arrested 2 times and I thought cops were suppose to be smart? Well I was so mad that she had a boyfriend and I could not figure out why, I do not know if it is because I just never want her to be happy after all the shit she has put us through, or because ss sleeps with her at her house and now that she has a boyfriend he is going to start sleeping in his room, which he should have been doing all along but she did not have him do this, so now that she wants to get laid my ss who is scared of her new house because she has moved soooo many times gets pushed aside and that makes me crazy how she pretends to the outside world to be a good mom but sucks, she does not ask for him extra time, she does not call him to say goodnight she will go 6 full days without seeing him or talking to him when it is our weekend. I just hate her and I wish I could get over it, I know she wins I know get over it, but HOW, I hate feeling this way. I have a great life, wonderful husband, a daughter we adopted together and now we are having one of our own I do not want her to control me but she does I think about her all the time and I hate her for what she has done, I want her to be miserable, but she must, she lost her son, she pays us support, she has moved from one shit hole to the next she has had many jobs, in June she has 3 jobs in 3 months, so why do I wish for her to be more unhappy, I mean how could she be happy she lost her son and has little money, I know her bills and what she makes and she pays us, so why is that not enough for me, I have everything I have ever wanted and every thing she has ever wanted, who cares if she has a boyfriend, why do I care if she is happy, YES she did put us through HELL and I think it is soooo funny when my husband moved on she would not let us she tried for 3 years to ruin everything we have, she tried to get out foster daughter taken away, she has tried 2 times to get me fired, never is she successful but she still tried!!! I hate her for this, soooo BIG question how do I move past all of this and enjoy the life I have created for myself. I raise her son, I am his true MOM I make his lunch, wash his clothes, tuck him in, fix his booboos so why is winning not enough for me PLEASE help. I think I am going to start counseling in the new year and pray it helps, I want to forget about this women but it is hard when I do see her at school events and soccer and stuff I sign her son up for and go to because I love him and I am A GOOD MOM, any advice would be kind:)