roseslady2's Blog
DH decides that the skids are not mine now
I wish the other SP hadn't left. He and I were supposed to parent together. We had no issues while all 4 of us were team parenting. He left a year ago. Jerk! :? Now, I'm the only SP and BM and DH are scared that their little babies will be hurt again by me. So, DH pretty much cut me off. DH told me to back off of sparenting. I don't know how much I can do that now. It's been 5 years. You've let me be their major parent ever since I came along. I want you to parent them.
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I just want my things to stay nice
I'm so tired of the skids wrecking things. They are careless with everything! Example-ss15 had the dishes tonight for his chores. We have a fairly expensive food processor with dish washer safe parts. All he had to do was unload them and place them in the drawer. What does he do instead? He decided to jam them together and bust 2 of the tags that slide together, then crack the top by slamming the drawer on it.
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It's definitely him
DH is my problem. I thought my skids were my problem, but it's how DH relates to them, not them. they are normal kids of 15 and 10. DH treats them like they shoulud be adults. He tried to give SS15 a shot of jaeger a few weeks ago. He yells at SS10 for having an imagination. I'm not totally devoid of blame in expecting a lot from them, but it's not because I want them to be adults. It's because I want them to be accountable for their actions. (SS10 has been faking sick and making him self sick for 3 days. I told him no TV today if he stayed home from school.
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Disengaging part of my stepparenting
DH told me the other day (in the middle of an idiot conversation) that I'm "not his parent, so back off." So, I'm not saying anything to SS15 when DH is home. I'm barely talking to him when DH is not here. I am building a relationship with him and his gf, but only because I do not want to be called grandma before I turn 30. I figure if I keep them both close, they won't have time to go off and make babies.
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Illnesses effect everyone. Glad we're in a lull for a sec.
DH has just finished one of the worst manic episodes I've seen since we married. He is coming down in the last 3 days, but it was damaging. SS15 will probably soon decide not to live with us. I told him I would understand. He's probably the only one that understands what I go through with DH because he's usually around when DH has a problem. Now that DH is getting stable, he has agreed to do some counselling, see a doctor regularly (probably every month to evaluate his reaction to meds/supplements/other treatments), and create more stable routines around the house.
DH is not my car..
He is my right hand. And he is sick. He has bipolar disorder and anxiety disorder. No one can catch it and 60% of the time, he looks like a normal DH. The other 40% of the time, he has massive mood swings, borders on verbal abuse sometimes, and ends in a "shut up" kind of reaction to whoever is emotionally closest to him. Can we attempt to control it? Yes. And we try, but when you have this disorder, it is very very easy to fall into the impulsive/forgetful stage of the disease: so he forgets his medicine. When that happens, usually, he starts getting into that 40% more.
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f@!%$(^*&#@&@* jerkwad-DH related
Why, all of the sudden, does he think that he doesn't need to communicate? He thinks that the way he talks to me is "just fine" and that my confusion and frustration are not warrented. WHAT A JERK!! He's convinced that he knows exactly how to talk to me and approach me about stuff and decisions. WHAT THE HELL!!?? I just want the jerk to decide to talk to me about decisions in a way that eases me into it before he asks me to make a decision. He needs to learn to let me ease into ideas and information.
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We're all back
SS15 spent 6 days, not 5 with my parents. they said he was great. He worked his butt off, they say. Yay!! I was praying that he would be good and that he would be respectful and that they would love to have him. It seems, all of those things happened. Thank God for answers to prayer. Plus, I've been praying for my relationship with him and his gf... both got better today because I thought up bringing her with to surprise him when I went to pick him up. She and I got to talk for like 2 hours on the way there. And he was happy that I thought of bringing her.
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Going to be sick
I just can't stand the mush anymore. :sick: SS15 has been on his Facebook almost hourly in the last 3 days posting mushy, lovey-dovey comments. Just today over 95 of them! He's gone from his gf for a week (2 days with MIL and 5 days with my parents). I understand they miss each other, but seriously!! It's like he's turned into this love sick pussy! I want him to grow a pair and enjoy the time with his grandparents (which HE calls them, not me). I want him to play it cool and give her some space. He gets jealous when she hangs out with friends. He talks to her almost constantly.
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I'm good enough to live with you, but....
I'm so sick of teenagers... and we have one still to go!!! I think I'm going to have a coronary before it's over. SS15 is with DH's parents this weekend. All weekend, he's been on his facebook by way of cell phone lamenting his bad fortune that he can't talk to his little slut gf... GET OVER IT!! Then, he has the drama to say "it sux not having anyone to talk to." HELLO! Just because GF has fun when you're gone does not mean youhave no one to talk to. She's not waiting by the phone, be happy hthat she has a life! Why does he wantwant little hold on his every word?
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