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I have decided to "check out" for the rest of the day today. BM has the skids and calls FH this morning and has ruined the day.

RustyHalo's picture

I don't need to go into any details. I just have to say that even when we don't have the skids, BM will call and "tattle" on them to FH which ruins his day. I've told him before to not let her do that. She needs to handle her own children. They NEVER misbehave for us the way they do for her. So, anyway, FH gets SD10 on the phone so that he can yell at her. Then when he hangs up and I start to give him my two cents on the subject AGAIN - he tells me to not say anything - that this problem is between the BM and him and HIS kids. Needless to say - I am pissed. We have company coming over today to watch football, racing, etc....and I have just called my sister and I am leaving for the day.

I'm good enough to be room mother at their schools, read to them every night, clean up puke, and transport them everywhere, but I'm not allowed to speak my opinion. F**K that.

Just needed to vent.

Thank God for this site.


vgill's picture

Sometimes Dad's just don't get it, because they are not doing it!! et him do just some of the work you do with your skids, perhaps he'll appriciate what you do for them, If he complains let him know what you think!!

RustyHalo's picture

I know he appreciates what I do - he tells me all the time and shows me all the time. It's just those certain times when he can't stand up to the BM and I call him on it and he knows I'm right. I think he just feels torn and this is the way he's dealt with the BM forever. He's a pretty wishy-washy guy - too nice for his own good - and the wrong women have taken advantage of him and he just doesn't see it.

**my stepdaughters did not grow in my tummy, they grew in my heart**

vgill's picture

NIce guys are the best for those of us who deserve them!
I don't know if it will help but maybe you need to talk with BM, and tell her how you feel!!
Let her know that you love her daughter, but what is happining is not working and perhaps a cup of coffee and some talk about rules and reprocutions would help to make both houses the same (rule wise) and create less conflict for you daughter!! I don't know if it will work, common sense is not as common as you would think and BM are especially jelous of step moms!!

RustyHalo's picture

BM would never sit down and talk with me. Her jealousy has consumed her.
I am the head room mom for SD10 and whenever papers get sent home regarding activities or parties, she just throws them away and doesn't even respond. When other parents fill out papers that should be given to me, she just throws them away too. If I had to sit and talk with her, I'm pretty sure I might get violent with her and I've never been violent with anyone in my life.
**my stepdaughters did not grow in my tummy, they grew in my heart**

GoingNuts's picture

That sounds exactly like what BM would do to me. She is so jelous that she tells SD not to talk to me and all I want is the best for SD. Recently BM filed charges on BF stating that he hurt SD intentionally when it was a complete accident. She even had a no contact order put on him for 4 months. The lengths she would go to just to keep SD from us is crazy.

iwishyouwould's picture

I get that a lot too. and it makes me furious too. bm can screw ball my life and talk about me and i can raise her child but i cant have an opinion about any thing she does? yeah right.

"Life favors the risk taker."

buttercup123's picture

Druziila is right, again!! Tell him to parent them 100% of the time. He can't have it both ways.