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Children's Aid gave BF the parental slap of shame.

sammmx's picture

And I couldn't help but laugh internally, and think to myself FINALLY someone other than ME is telling him these things. Maybe for now he'll start to listen!

Anyway, the details... SS9 ended up not coming yesterday because CAS didn't have time to meet with us all, so instead we met this morning and sorted out the details. She wanted to speak with both of us so we had to bring SS2 with us too. So the caseworker first took BF into one of the rooms to speak with him while I stayed in the waiting room and kept SS2 occupied. Then BF had to go to work and the caseworker took me and SS2 into the interview room.

I guess it turns out SS9 is a little worse off than I thought. He told CAS about how BF smokes marijuana (he uses it to deal with anxiety/stress... whatever, I don't care, just don't bring it in my house & don't be high around your kids) and he told CAS that when we went camping a few weekends ago BF and I were drunk the whole time. WTF? When I told CAS we only had a 12 pack of beer between the two of us in the 3 days we were away, she agreed - she was just trying to say that SS9 exaggerates alot (he said that his Grandma's boyfriend 'drank 50 beer & drove them home') so we have to be careful with what we say/do around him, and if we're going to have a beer or a glass of wine just explain to him that it's okay for adults to relax and have an adult drink on Friday nights or when we go on vacation or out to dinner, etc. She told BF he has to go for a walk if he wants to smoke (he used to do it out on the porch) because SS2 doesn't know the difference but SS9 does.

And then there's the Facebook issue... The caseworker told me that SS9's password to his Facebook was "ilovecrack" ... are you flipping kidding me!? This kid is NINE. I can only imagine what kind of things he was exposed to and allowed to get away with when he lived with his mom. I thought trying to undo 2 years of bad parenting with SS2 was bad enough, now I get to try 9.

Anyway, I told the caseworker my approach to parenting and what I thought was acceptable for these kids (bed times, chores, hygiene, etc) and the caseworker said to me, "You know, for such a young woman you really have a good head on your shoulders. You seem like you know exactly what you're doing." And I was like thannnnkkkkyoooooouuuuuu. And then when BF and I were speaking after, I guess CAS told him to step up and be a Dad, if these kids really mean the world to him than he needs to stop with the shenanigans and be a parent. BF was sulky about it, I just chuckled to myself.

In other news, SS2&SS9's Grandma is taking the both of them overnight tonight so BF and I are going to have our first night alone with no children since March. We're like.... OMG, what are we gonna do!?! BF said we should go on a hot date lol, we'll see if it happens. It would be nice! I'm going to enjoy my last night alone, before the chaos begins this weekend.


SadStep77's picture

I want someone to give my FDH a slap of shame! Only his problem is video games. He seems to think playing for five hours straight and ignoring the kids is okay, because it's not illegal.

Hopefully your man will step up. Time to get off the marijuana.