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SS9 is coming to live with us now too...

sammmx's picture

So anyone who has read my posts know that my BF's BM is a drug addict who passed out and burnt her kitchen down, and therefore got evicted by her landlord as she had uninstalled all the smoke detectors in her house. After this, Children's Aid had her sign over temporary custody of SS2 to BF and I. He has been here for probably a little over a month? BM also has another son, SS9, who is not biologically my BFs but he raised him for 5 years and as his BD is not present, looks to my BF as his dad. Because of this, when BM lost custody SS9 went to live with BMs mom, his grandma.

Today our caseworker called BF and told him that BM's mom is really overwhelmed by having SS9 living with her and can't handle the stress anymore. The caseworker asked BF if we would be open to SS9 coming to live with us too. Without skipping a beat, BF dutifully agreed and on July 13th we're going to have a meeting to figure out the details. This of course, I was informed of - not asked.

Oh my god, I literally wanted to cry when BF told me this. Not only do we not have enough ROOM for another body (we only have a 2bdrm house!), right now BF is the only one working and that's another mouth to feed. I've been trying to get a job because I'm SICK of staying at home with SS2 all the time, atleast he has daycare 4 days a week - BUT, school will be out for SS9 so what ... I'm supposed to stay here and watch him too, what happens when I get a job? BF's response when I asked - "Well since you haven't gotten a job yet, I could just start working more so we could afford for you to stay at home with them & I'll just take care of everything financially." .... UM WHAT?! I WANT a job. I NEED out of this house and away from your kids. I WANT my own money, I hate having to rely on you for everything.

This seriously just has disaster written all over it. Neither children listen to me at all, SS9 thinks he's a gangster 16yr old. SS2 I swear has ADHD. And BF just lets them run rampade because "they're going through so much right now, the last thing they need is a prick for a dad." Fine, then instead they'll get a BITCH of a step-mom. Ugh. I'm at my wits end, I seriously just want to rip my hair out. I was pissed off enough this morning with SS2 alone without BF dropping this news on me too.

I guess on the bright side BM has been in detox all week so she's taking the steps necessary to regain custody. I don't necessarily think she should get custody back because clearly she's a failure of a mother (with two bratty kids to prove this) but just even for her to take them for ONE DAY A WEEK would seriously make my life.

Time for a beer, it's 5 o'clock somewhere.... ugh...


sammmx's picture

Oh I plan on it, unless he intends on paying all my personal bills (Visa, line of credit, car payment) too, I'll have to. Lol. Though I'm sure he would if it meant his precious children having someone like me to fawn over them all day. Sammmx: maid, chef, nanny extrodinaire! Just pay her bills & give her nookie. ... NOT A FAIR TRADE. :/

TASHA1983's picture

RUN!!!...R.U.N...If I knew how to say run in 50 other languages I would say it!!!!

You can do and DESERVE so much better then this COMPLETE BULLSHIT you are SETTLING for....

That would burn my ass SOOOOO BAD if I was in your position...

sammmx's picture

That's what I thought! But BF was all, "Well she [the caseworker] has seen our house and knows there's only one room, so she wouldn't have asked us if it weren't allowed." I'll definitely take a look, but god forbid I find out it's true and actually tell BF... then he'll be all offended like I am looking for reasons because I don't want SS9 here. Which I suppose is true, but I could never tell BF that.

Oh I'm sure it's just the nice way of saying she doesn't want the responsibility. Last time I was dropping SS9 off to her she told me how hectic it's been for her.

stepmisery's picture

I agree with this. It's not his kid, time to go after the father and get him to step up. Or someone in his family.

sammmx's picture

Yeah, well if only it were up to me lol.. BF feels like he is the father, treats him and feels towards him as if he were his own bio son... Wants him here. The bio dad would let him go to foster care and BF doesn't want that, thinks he should be with his brother. :/ I wish I had some say in the matter but evidently I don't ...

hereiam's picture

Oh wow, it's not even his kid and he didn't even discuss it with you first? I would be livid! And not be shy about it.

First of all, well, it's not his kid. Second of all, if BF was on his own and didn't have you, what would he do? Cuz that's what he needs to do.

He made his decision, now you need to make yours. You are not married and don't have kids with him so really, you can do whatever you want. Do it.

Also, "the last thing they need is a prick for a dad" is an excuse for not being a DAD.

StealthModeFemme's picture

I've read all of your posts:

I'm confused. You've said:

1. I love my boyfriend and I love his boys &
2. It's frustrating to me because I honestly wish they could just be with us all the time

Ppl were trying to warn you due to you being 21 and your BF 35 with massive BM drama. Then to take on a kids that's not even his? You said you didn't want relationship advice but you are here complaining about your relationship. I'm sorry. I'm just confused as to what you want. Now you want away from the kids and you've turned to drinking?

I guess you won't believe poop stinks until you're covered in it. My best advice it is please don't get pregnant by that man.

sammmx's picture

Sorry, the drinking comment was a joke. I do love his boys and wish they could be here all the time
With NO BM contact whatsoever. If I could just be their parent and have some sort of say in how they were raised I would be happy. But I can't so I get frustrated as I would Defintely raise kids differently than my BF. Just because I get frustrated doesn't
Mean I dont love them or want them here. I just don't want to be their caretaker 24/7 when I have no say in how they're raised and at any moment BM will walk back in and I'll be back to "nothing" again.