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SS2 jumps off chair onto MY dog...

sammmx's picture

So I was in the kitchen cooking dinner last night, SS2 was standing on a chair by the sink watching me. Whatever, he's interested in cooking and likes to 'help', so I usually just get him to pass me utensils and then he'll go play. But, BF has been sick lately so BF had asked me to keep an eye on him while he napped.

So of course after a while in cooking, there's nothing really a 2yr old could do. So I'm trying to stir the pasta and since he's bored he's dicking around on the chair and decides to try and jump OVER my dog, who was laying behind the chair.

Now, my dog is pretty big and definitely outweighs the 2yr old, BUT my dog had a major surgery on her leg and still is recovering from it. Of course, SS2 cannot jump over a greyhound from a height so instead lands RIGHT on her hind end/bad leg.

The scream from my dog woke BF up. He comes running down, SS2 was sitting there staring at me from on his butt, I was trying to console my dog who was now limping. SS2's reaction (before BF appeared) was to look at me and then yell my dog's name. So I knew he was fine. But of course once BF comes down all of a sudden he starts crying hysterically saying Mae hurt him.

Ugh. So of course BF is pissed at me because I was "ignoring" his injured child. WTF. If he were crying or had told me he was hurt, I would have done something about it. When I asked him if he was okay, his response was to yell at the dog. And of course, after like 2min of coddling with BF SS2 comes running back from the living room and jumps right back up on his chair to help me cook. Seriously...? And of course I'M the one who gets in shit. And then BF has the audacity to blame the dog for being in the kitchen while food is out.

....seriously!? We tell SS2 every single time a meal is being cooked, don't play on the chair, if you want to help stand facing the counter, etc etc. But it's the dog's fault. Or it's my fault. So of course I get the silent treatment for the rest of the night.

You gotta be kidddddding me. Argh.


smdh's picture

"um, BF, if I'm not doing an acceptable job with your kid, how about you take care of him, mmmkay?"

maldita's picture

First off, I want to send some love to your dog. I hope she recovers quickly from this mishap. Now secondly, I would be the one giving your BF the silent treatment after this incident! How dare he even think you deserve that! I can't understand this crap about us taking care of their kids and then when something bad happens and we need to parent their children, we end up being the bad person. So screw that and tell him the next time he feels sick, go find himself a sitter or return his kid to his BM. Because if you can't parent his kid, then you shouldn't even waste your time watching him.

stepmisery's picture

OMG your poor dog Sad

Wow your BF way overreacted. I'm sure SS2 was scared because of the dog's scream, he probably wasn't hurt but the dog was definitely hurt. You weren't "ignoring his injured child" sheesh.

oncechoosetosmile's picture

Poor doggie, 2 year olds do stupid things sometimes....what I didn't like was your DH's reaction to it-after a quick check on SS he should have talked to his baby son and told him not to jump on the poor dog again.Two year olds are not stupid, he could have even shown how to pat the dog and say sorry.I know that sounds silly, but for a little child those things really teach them how to do things better in the past.With So being so coddling there is a higher risk that SS may does it again to get all the attention.Stupid adults !!