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Should I just go no contact with the inlaws?

Secondroundstepparent's picture

It's been such a rollercoaster with them. I met them 2 years ago. They are in another state and never leave their small town. So visits depend on DH and SS going to them. I met the inlaws as the serious girlfriend who also has BS10. I was the first girlfriend to meet the family since BM (8 years ago). They separated shortly after SS was born and have been coparenting since. Inlaws only met BM during her pregnancy and she also visited them when SS ( now 8 ) was was less than a year old. The inlaws, through the separation drama between BM and DH, did not like BM and often referred to her as "that bitch" or "that whore". This was often heard by me when DH and MIL would talk on the phone when we started dating. 

Fast forward, our relationship gets serious and we talk about blending households and meeting his family. I took PTO to go out there and was treated like absolute crap. For one, his small town family CONSTANTLY gossiped about people and made many rude comments about people's appearances. They also talked poorly about BM and criticized her parenting, her looks, and her hygiene from their experience with her when she was POSTPARTUM. (apparently she skipped a day to shower and had hairy armpits. My thoughts were....she just had a baby?) So I felt judged instantly even though they didn't say anything directly about me around me. However, no one talked to me or asked questions about me and often expressed frustration in the existence of my BS. They didn't want him around, ignored his playful advances, and often rolled their eyes at him. At that point, I was on guard and quiet most of the time, often just observing the way they interacted and made sure my BS felt comfortable and unaware of the situation. Then we went to visit extended family and while DH and I sat outside on the porch watching the kids play outside, we overheard his entire family....grandparents, mother, two sisters and his sister's boyfriend(now fiance) talking horribly about me and how much they prefer BM over me. They called my BS "that thing with her" instead of his actual name. They said they hope he never knocks me up and are certain we would not last. Dh was pissed and when we got back to FIL&MILs house, he confronted one of his sisters (SIL2) who made most of the rude comments about me and provoked the conversation. I was standing by him and she went off screaming that she "doesnt like that bitch" (me, standing right there) and said she likes BM more and doesn't know why he's with me. Then MIL and SIL1 walked in and SIL2 lied and said that I called her a bitch. So now FIL, MIL, SIL1 and her fiance are upset with me for calling SIL a bitch in her own home. Though, I did not and DH was sticking up for me the entire time. It was such an awful night to experience and I demanded to DH that we leave the next day to go back home. We did. 

Then it was a constant battle of DH trying to talk to his family about apologizing to me and reiterating that he loves me and WILL make me his wife whether they like it or not. His grandmother who owns like 1000+ acres in their small town (which is to be divided amongst the grandchildren) threatened to take DH off the will if he marries me. SIL2 also told DH that he better not ever get me pregnant. 

Fast forward 6 months later, MIL and SIL2 invited BM and SS to their house to visit for a week. BM (did not know about the drama) but let DH know about her vacation plans there. DH did not express anger or tell her not to go but called MIL to bitch at her for allowing this and planning this. He also called them out for all the shit talking they have done about BM and how they are being cruel to him and me for inviting her out there. MIL and SIL did not care and the trip still happened. BM went and stayed a week in DH's old childhood room. DH went no contact with them again. He only talked to FIL who stays out of the women drama and doesn't say much. 

2 months after that, DH and I got married and did not inform his family or invite them (not like they'd even go). lol 

1 year later, we just bought a house and I experienced a rare ectopic pregnancy that almost killed me but I loss one of my fallopian tubes and our baby. I can't even try to conceive until 18 months later due to the severity and I'm fearful we won't be able to have kids, or more so fearful of that happening again. it's been a struggle thinking about that and then remembering what his family said about getting me pregnant.

Since then it has been me offering olive branches to his family and getting scraps. SIL1 apologized but SIL2 who was the main source of the problems and drama (I left out other details too about her being in the business of our finances) does not like me still and does not talk to DH much anymore. I try to include MIL in things and send pictures of SS. She sent a christmas gift to both boys (just a bag of candy, nothing crazy). SIL2 had a baby and I sent her gifts for the baby from us. We are supposed to visit them next month but I canceled going due to finances and will be keeping BS with me. However, DH and SS will be going/carpooling with BIL who lives in the same state as us and is also close to us. Like he is here weekly for family dinner, etc...we are close and there are no issues with BIL. Since DH is going out there soon... I had purchased thoughtful Christmas gifts for his family. (MIL, FIL, SIL1(+her fiance) and the baby). DH wants his family here and his family there to get along so we can visit them more. My family is extremely kind, genuinely kind people who love DH and welcome him in the family. So my heart hurts for him that his family has been acting this way and he genuinely was shocked at first because prior to our original visit, he would rave about how much he knows my family would LOVE me. 

Additionally since then...BM and I have gotten close. I homeschool BS and she agreed to me homeschooling SS, so SS is home with us often (we have 50/50 custody). because of the frequent communication and having to work around her work schedules, or personal plans, or sports for SS, drs appointments etc...we have been hitting it off and have genuinely become pretty good friends. We don't discuss personal matters in our life but we do talk and joke outside of just coparenting. DH does not talk to her at all especially now that mine and her communications has grown and expanded. Well, recently we did talk about the inlaws and she shared with me the side she received from them and I shared my side. She was appalled when she heard my side, and now that we have gotten closer, she is confused as to why they don't like me because I am someone who WOULD fit in with their "lifestyle" (not the being a mean bully part). She also shared with me all the things they said to her ABOUT me while she was there. They didn't just speak about their side of the story...they unprovokingly talked about me as a person. They did not like the things I wore. Made fun of my clothings and shoes. They also talked about my weight and my appearances. Stating they don't see why DH is with someone that "LOOKS" like me. They also talked crap about my son, stating that he was annoying and a brat and a bad kid (he's not, and i'm not just saying that. My son is super respectful. Not to mention, my child was the age SS is now back then. I would never allow anyone to talk about my son NOR my SS like that. SIL1 (who was the only one that apologized) and her fiance said that they would NEVER like me. The things BM stated they told her were very in she wouldn't have known the little details or my wardrobe there. And she did not volunteer this information, I asked her because I wanted to know. BM said she felt bad because she recently started dating someone and her biggest fear is her boyfriend's family not accepting SS or treating him fairly. This is not an issue with my family. They love SS and attend his birthday parties, watch his baseball games and treat him as if I brought him into this world myself. He is an extension of my husband who I CHOSE to bring into this (my) family so they treat him like family. 

NOW - the stuff they told BM *wasssssss* before the olive branches and the talks about visiting them out there. But it opened up some unhealed wounds and really has me so conflicted. While no, me and SS are not visiting them with DH next month, we did discuss planning a visit in the summer. But now I just feel like these people are so vile and horrible that I want nothing to do with them...EVER. I want to return the gifts. I want to block them on everything. I told DH that I don't know if I can ever get over this or feel comfortable traveling out there again. I also told him that this means if we do ever have children...that includes them. I told him I don't care if he visits them and takes SS or even if they come here to MY house visit (but they literally NEVER leave their hometown). I don't know if I'm overreacting or if we've made progress and now i'm retreating back over new developments of things they've said. I also in my heart feel that they still think this way about me. We don't talk unless I reach out first or provoke a conversation. When I had my ectopic, MIL only asked once how I was feeling (the day after). I wished them all happy birthdays but when it was my birthday last month, not ONE of them wished me a happy birthday. 


JRI's picture

You've tried to bridge the gap and I applaud you for that. Its good. your DH understands the situation and has your back.  The reality is these people don't like anything about you or your son.  They sound like cruel people.   Its hard to grasp that someone dislikes us regardless of our wishes, especially if it's our spouse's family.

I'd leave the entire relationship to DH.  He can buy any gifts, send any pictures, etc.  I wouldnt badmouth them to anyone, just stay neutral and polite about it all.  Its good you have a working relationship with BM.  I wouldnt discuss them with her, either.

Your story reminds me of my late friend, N.  She was a war bride from Ireland.  Her MIL didnt like her altho it's hard to know why since she was so kind and funny.  N and her husband, J, had 4 kids and lived happily.  Flash forward and MIL was old and sick.  Guess who cared for her until she died? Hint:  it wasn't J's brother's family.

You sound like a kind and caring person.  Protect your heart and your BS by staying awsy from this toxicity.

notsurehowtodeal's picture

For the sake of your son, do not have anything to do with these people. There is no reason to subject your son to people who are so awful towards him. DH and SS can go visit them but there is no need for you to go and there is no need for them to ever step foot in your house. Quit buying them gifts, let DH manage his relationship with his family.

I know you didn't ask, but please be careful about how much you talk to BM about his family. Everything is great between you two right now, but if that ever changes, she could easily tell them everything you said. Generally speaking, no good ever comes from being getting too close with the ex of your partner.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

have their own dysfunctional culture, engrained patterns, and views. And it sounds as if the females run the show, meaning lots of Relational Aggression and triangulation. You can't trust ANY of them, because they will fuss and feud with each other, talk smack then make up, always remaining true to the blood.

I married into such a family. Stuff happened, my back was stabbed many times, I was befriended then scapegoated etc etc. And I learned ... that actions count, not words; that any peace is only temporary because chaos is their catnip; that what they'll say to you, they're saying about you; and there's too many moving parts for things to ever change. This is why I've been No Contact with them for over a decade. At first my DH didn't like it; then he joined me and we have a peaceful life.

Your DH needs to be told the truth: that the women in his family are toxic and target any woman he brings around, so there can be no playing Happy Family with them. Remind him that as a parent you have a duty to protect your son, so you won't be exposing him to their venom. Ask him how he would feel if your family treated him and SS the way his family treated you and your BS. Stop trying to win them over; they only see this as weakness and nothing will change no matter what you do. People like that only respect a superior, unyielding force.

Rumplestiltskin's picture

"You can't trust ANY of them, because they will fuss and feud with each other, talk smack then make up"

Agree. With toxic families, an outsider may feel that they are "friends" with someone, but often they are being used as a flying monkey or as an ally against someone else. 

Rags's picture

The toxic in your IL clan are the shit you step in that you scrape off of your shoe. Do not expose yourself or your child to the shit.  You DH knows exactly who the toxic ones are, what they are, and how they have behaved towards you.  Let him know that your child will not interface with them and neither will you.  If you have children together, make sure that DH understands that the child you share will not in anyway have a relationship or any exposure to them without both you and DH being present for all direct interface with your child. DH needs to understand that those in his family who are shit he has to chew up and spit out with clarity for what they are and that they will have no place in his/your family until they stand up, admit what they did and that they are shit, apologize to you, and beg your forgiveness.  Most importantly, they do not get off only with an apology. They have to be respectful toward you, your son, your DH, your future child(ren), and your marriage or DH rips out their noxious throats and the two of you scrape them off of your collective shoe.

I do not tolerate this kind of crap and make sure that when shit people behave like the shit that they are I bare their asses immediately in front of everyone and make sure that the shit knows what they are, what they have done, and so does everyone else.

Lather.... rinse.... repeat.

Take care of you.

Give rose

AgedOut's picture

You could make your summer trip them adjacent. Close enough for DH and SS to pop over for a visit w/ them but you and your son don't go w/ and instead spend a preplanned day on your own adventure. That way your killing one bird, enjoying another and the rest of the trip is family time for you 4. 

I'd go no contact. And if asked why say "I have no desire to spend time w/ people who choose to knowingly/willfully/deliberately attack and insult not just myself but also my child. That type of person is not my type of people so DH and SS can go but we opt out."

ESMOD's picture

I vote for superficially polite but I would not visit or try to forge any kind of closer relationship.  I like the idea of the trip being close'ish to them so your DH can go visit.. you are going to be unfortunately under the weather that day.

CajunMom's picture

I've been in this mess (StepHell) for near 20 years. I took 12 years of abuse and finally woke up. Six years of no contact. Last year saw me relaxing some boundaries. I've seen 2 of DHs kids....civil and superficial but over all decent on both sides.

In those 6 years, DH saw his kids away from our marital home and attended any of his "first family" stuff alone. I healed through counseling and prayer, learned healthy boundaries with DHs kids and today, the plan is to be kind and respectful yet superficial. It's my plan moving forward. Still let DH attend his family stuff alone and my interactions will be in our home or a dinner out.

Your situation is a bit different than mine. You've been in outright warfare and there is NO WAY in hell I'd subject myself or my child to that kind of toxic behavior. Let your DH see his family but keep your child home. When you do see them, civil and superficial is the motto. Keep interactions short and few. These people are not going to change...they are all drama whores. Protect yourself. 

Best to you.

ESMOD's picture

I would also say.. you don't have to go "no contact".. It's not an all or nothing thing necessarily.. unless you want it to be.  These people are remote enough to not be a big part of your life.. and you can limit your engagement by having your husband take care of holiday wishes.. you can do the odd fakebook birthday wish.. but you can keep it all very superficial.. and limit or eliminate situations where you and your son have to physically spend time with them.  

Honestly, your DH should be inclined to not want to spend much time with people who have been horrid to not only his EX.. but you and your son.  If he wants to go visit once a year... with his other bio child.. that's not the end of the world.. but you are so busy.. you could not possibly make the time.. right?

Harry's picture

His family are pure evil.  ''' There way or the highway'''.  The whole town are inbreds.   Stay away from all of them and there drama .  That will upset DH, first because he doesn't have your back now.  Bet the sane thing happen to the ex wife 

CLove's picture

Stay clear of the sludge. Do for you and yours only. Im sorry you are dealing with it, but credit to your DH for standing by you, and breaking that chain of dysfunction.

On another note, it really makes me sad to continue to read about how women dont support each other to the extreme. Part of why things are so unbalance in society.