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Are they Toxic or is it just me?

AshMar654's picture

I am not here much anymore. I still read and maybe comment on other things. Here I am again asking is it just me?

Background 15 yo old son is my DH bio and I adopted when he was 10 after we married. Technically not a stepmom anymore but I am certainly treated like one by my in-laws. We have another son 3yo I am also 26 weeks pregrnant with what will be our 4th child. We lost our little gilr when I was 37 weeks a hear and half ago. If you want more read past blogs.

So my MIL and SIL (DH's family) came up to visit recently. My MIL and I did not talk for about a year but she called and apologized for the things she said and asked if we could repair things. I said that is fine and she wanted to come visit but stay at an AirBNB. Ok cool that we we stll have space and blah blah blah blah, SIL came with her. 

Beging of the trip was fine besides some passive aggressive comments about my DS3 and his hair being too long. I ignored them it is what it is. The one day they SIL, MIL, and DS15 come in from him sleeping over at the place the stayed. They took him shopping and got a new bat that was not cheap, none of them are. I got irritated as DS15, DH and I all had a converstiaon about getting him a new bat. DS15 also told them that if they bought it for him, that I would not be happy. Well they ignored him and bought it anyway. Needless to say it triggered a fight. Of course nothing for DS3, they claimed they were going to get something for him as well. My DH even said you do not need to spend 300 on a 3 yr old for no reason and there is nothing he needs right now. 

I tried to explain to them why I was upset about it, one I wish when they wanted to buy big things for both the kids they would at least communicate it with us, DH wishes the same. We also have the mentality, if you do not need it, the answer is no. You can wait for a holiday or birthday or earn it. Trying to raise the kids not to be entitled. SIL said to be point blank that is how I show love (I said that is messed up and not the way I have ever done things). As the argument ensued there was lots of yelling on my part, I get frustrated I get loud and I am super hormonal right now. That is when SIL mentioned DS15 moving in with here several states away, in front of him. DH and I have had the discussion as he has been putting us through hell lately and even mentioned something to her, but there was not a actual conversation between us and her about it. I also got told I need ot love unconditionally and that I am the crazy one for getting so wound up over a bat. (Yeah possibly truth to that. At the same time there is a ton of shit going on if our home). 

The STUFF: DS15 got caught by us vaping a ton of THC and selling it at school. Two days after that he got in trouble at school for a nicotine vape and that is crime. Now he has to do some program to avoid a citation and having a record. Now we random drug test and he has no privaleges like at all. DH, I and his counselor all discussed how to handle everything. He has called me several names lately, told me he wishes I would leave and go away, he hates me, thinks I have ruined his life, you know alot of typical teen stuff, but all of it is directed at me and sometimes with so much hate. He does not blame is dad for anything, even though DH has stepped up a ton and deals with the stuff too, and DH is now in AA but DS is not made at him at all for almost ruining our family with his drinking, (I have forgiven DH and we are in a really good place). Nope it is all my fault.

During and after the blow up in-laws kept saying well he is not happy here, he needs something positive in his life, what does he get to do for fun and on and on and on. He is still on a tournament baseball team this whole summer, despite all the stuff he did, mainly because it was already paid for. They mention all this stuff in front of him. I found out later that my MIL asked him if he wanted to see his BM, DS did not bring it up or ask, she did. No clue why. SIL also told DS all they stuff she had planned for him if he moved down with her before even having a converstaion with his parents about it all. Apparently they asked him if he is happy here, talked about his dad always working and told DS, DH should be doing more with him. I recenly learned that SIL had asked DS before she moved away if he was ok with it, at age 10, and if he was not should would not move and give up a huge career opportunity for him.

During all this taling yes I was the main one talking, my DH did chime in but he was handling DS3 while everything was going on. MIL actually to my face this trip flat our said, you control everything it is always your way. DH even told her that is not true we talk about everthying and come up with solutions, she said yeah well you know that usually goes her way anyway. A few days later after SIL left she texted DH asking to talk to him, he is the one that told me about it. They talked and basically SIL was calling to get his opinion on everything and what his thoughts were about it all. While yes I as the main one talking and I would mention DH and I both feel the same about things, they apprently think I was lying. I have never spoken for DH about anything without actually knowing his opinion on it. We really truly talk about everything when it comes to the kids and what is happening in our lives, especially now after all that has happened. (I know shocking a couple that communicates, not perfect but good)

I have not been the best parent possible, I have lost my temper and said things I shouldn't have in the heat of the moment. After we lost our daughter things in this house were a complete mess for a while. We have all put the work in, minuse DS15, to do better and get to a better place. 

Sorry for it being so long. I am really wondering is it just me or are they truly toxic at this point? Opinions welcomed!


BethAnne's picture

They are not respecting you and your husaband's position as parents. I don't know if that makes it toxic. They could have gone about this whole thing in a more respectful way and still covered these topics.

CastleJJ's picture

With the bat, it sounds like in-laws are trying to overcompensate for DS15 having a messed up childhood due to an absent BM so they cater and coddle him over the other kids. He is the "problem that needs fixing" and they want a project. 

It sounds like your in-laws have poor boundaries. They need to understand that you are not a stepmom, since you legally adopted SS15 and since you are legally his parent, their opinions hold no weight. You and DH have total say, period. "No" is a complete sentence. You do not need to tolerate disrespect and if they want to continue, they can lose tueir place in your life, DD3's life, this baby's life, and possibly DH and DS15. Sounds like your in-laws haven't changed since the last time so maybe a more permanent break is needed with no apologies and make-ups this time. 

Rags's picture

Then inform MIL and SIL that YOUR son will now have zero interface with them as they are invasive, toxic, manipulative and will no longer be tolerated as the invasive Harpys that they are while smacking them in the face with the adoption papers.

You are SS's mom and MIL and SIL need that fact crammed up their idiot asses wholesale for the next 3 years.

If SS makes it to 18 without a record dump him at the military recruiters office on his B-day, or HS graduation whichever is the later. See if the move in with Aunty offer stands when he becomes an adult.  Betcha the offer will have been long forgotten by then.

Time to go full control parent on SS as well as cutting the toxic Harpy squad out of his life and the lives of the rest of your kids and out of your marriage.

This is not something to discuss with your DH, this is something you tell your DH and make sure he understands that he has your back in this and keeps his idiot mother and sister in their place or he and your 15yo can both go live with them while he pays a shit ton in $CS for your LOs.


Stop being the whipping post of the mult generational family idiocy in your DH's  clan's polluted gene pool.

Save yourself and save your own kids from that cesspool of idiot genetic effluent.

Grrrrr. Again.

MorningMia's picture

I think they might have wanted to get a reaction out of you and they did. I try to pick my battles, so I might let some things go that others wouldn't, but if these two don't visit often, I personally would not have "sweated" the gift. I also will dig my heels in until they bleed if I can sense someone is setting me up for conflict or if they seem to be pushing for a reaction.  I'm stubborn that way. I don't think any of you are being toxic. I think they crossed boundaries and might enjoy a little drama, but if you all don't see them often, I might tolerate a little bs once a year or so. But that's me. Take care of yourself! 

Lillywy00's picture

They sound kind of messy and meddling. 

Old school family / mother in laws / grandparents think they know everything sometimes. And sometimes you have to check them like "look Betty. I appreciate your opinion however you had your turn to raise your kids how you saw fit, these are my kids and I will raise them how I see fit. If I said no gifts over x amount/gift ALL my kids equally or we cannot accept ... then that's what it is!" 

And your husband should be enforcing boundaries with his family and/or backing you up .... IF he knows what's good for him and wants to keep his marriage in tact. 

Who argues with a pregnant person?!? If I were in this position I would have kicked them out the moment they fixed their crusty lips to argue with me while I'm pregnant causing unnecessary stress on an unborn baby should be child abuse. 

So yeah I do think it's toxic behavior to argue with people who are more medically delicate such as pregnant women. 

notsurehowtodeal's picture

I think they are still being difficult because they had such a large part in raising your son before you came along. They have never come to terms with the fact that you are now his Mother. They haven't shifted back to being grandparents and aunt, they are still feeling like parents. Honestly, I think you need to limit your son's contact with them and he certainly shouldn't be alone with any of them. If they are talking about him moving in with the aunt in front of you, imagine what they are saying when you aren't around. And your DH needs to really step up and take over the communication with his family. He needs to tell them once that his son is not moving in with anyone and then refuse to discuss it any more. He needs to take the heat from them, not you. The fact that this is till an issue after 5 years is just ridiculous.

Lillywy00's picture

Honestly, I think you need to limit your son's contact with them and he certainly shouldn't be alone with any of them.


anyone who meddles in someone else's family/marriage (if it's not related to abuse or neglect issues) doesn't deserve private on-on-one meetings 

AshMar654's picture

Limiting contact has crossed my mind many times. As for DH not saying he couldn't be more stern with them, honestly not sure it would even matter. He flat out said to them many times, DS15 will be no different if he moves down there, it would just make our home less stressful. He says it to me that he is fine with minimal communication with them and never going to visit them. 

I wish he would be way more clear with the boundaries. He is getting better, his whole family is passive aggressive with the way the talk and communicate. They all would rather just put thier heads in the sand instead of actually having a conversation and dealing with things. Seriously it happened, oh well, on to the next. Then it all comes out when they drink later on. So fun. 

BethAnne's picture

It might be worth having some sort of reset with your son. A sit down with you, your husband and him where you tell him that you know that things have been difficult at home and there has been more tension, but that is normal in any family especially during stressful times. It is not an excuse to runaway to greener pastures and avoid dealing with the consequences of his actions.

Let him know that he will be staying in the family home until he is 18 and that you love him. Tell him that everything you are doing is because you believe that it is the best for him to learn from his mistakes now, rather than continue to make the same mistakes as he gets older.

Then I might try to get some sort of by-in from him and ask if there are any reasonable changes that could be made that might make things better for him in your home. Asking him doesn't mean that you have to agree to any of them but perhaps he will come up with something reasonable and it will show him that you want to listen to him. 

ESMOD's picture

You adopted that boy.. he is now YOUR child.  If you have to go to therapy with him to work through issues with his anger etc.. then you need to do that.

Toxic relatives or not, you don't send your child away.. you raise your child.  

Your MIL and SIL sound meddlesome.  I recall the history with them.. they felt a lot of connection and "ownership" over your DS15 because from initial posts.. it seems that the boy was raised in their home in his early years and they heavily helped/overfunctioned for your DH prior to you coming into the picture.

You have always been at odds with them.. resentful of their interference.. and probably in many ways rightfully so, but as  you also say.. you often lose your temper in outsized ways.. and this is not new or only a hormonal issue.. and maybe you could also try to work through better response mechanisms and conflict resolution with an individual counselor of your own

In the end, I don't think their intentions are actually bad... I think they are susceptible to the sob story your DS might paint.. and their history with you is definitely going to impact their relationship with your other bio.. because you are a gatekeeper there..where with the boy.. they don't need a gate.

AshMar654's picture

Thanks for the feedback. I actually have been working through a lot of things and currently on meds for my anxiety since we lost our daughter. Honest to goodness I tried to leave but seriously could not find my damn key to leave. We have tried asking them to communicate with us before spending that kind of money. It is just frustrating that they don't. 

DS does paint a bit of a sob story to them when he is asked. He does not usually volunteer information to them about what is going on his life, he is a teenager and does not want anyone to know his business. I just can not wrap my head around how after all the crud DS15 has done, bringing durgs into our house and selling them as school, he stole a ipad from parents recently, and there are several other things as well. They still always think poor DS, my MIL and SIL have no sympathy towards my DH or me. Literally we lost a child, expecting another, I lost my job right before I found out I was pregnant, and now dealing with all the crud from DS. They do not ever say to him or in general wow you are dealing with a lot. Tell DS hey your parents have a lot on thier plates, you should be listening to them and not doing such dumb things. They never support us to him. Honestly we are all dealing with it. I think we are managing pretty well considering the crap show. 

Is it honestly asking too much to have them be on our side? Is it too much to want them to have our backs and be supportive towards even DH? My family just never operated this way. I would complain to my aunt and I wanted to live with her at one point so badly. She always supported my mom and never said a bad thing. She never even bad mouthed my dad to me or my brother, he was crazy and not a good parent at all. 

notsurehowtodeal's picture

While it is not asking too much to wish for that kind of relationship - it is never going to happen. You need to readjust your expectations from the in-laws, because they are never going to meet them. Your DH needs to step up and deal with them, and you need to step back and leave it to him, because they are toxic and your relationship has never been good. Maybe some family therapy for you and DH and your son would be helpful.