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Shadow79's picture

BM didn't come for the Easter weekend. The kids wanted to know why I didn't let them see her. I want to respond with so many things but i won't because I it is about the children. 

She is busy flying all over the fricken country.... Minneapolis to Denver to Seattle to Vegas to Denver to Washington DC back to Denver and back to Seattle..... yet she is over $30,000 behind in child support. She doesn't have a job (that she gets paid the correct way - under the table or in cash maybe?) She doesn't have a home or an address. 

When she does get here she is all fun and games. Hotel rooms with water slides, no bedtime and all the YouTube you can watch. Yet the kids ask us if we are going to supply them with supper because mom has no money. 

Ugh, over it. Needed to vent. 


tog redux's picture

Why do the kids blame YOU and not their father? (Not that either of you should be blamed, but least of all, YOU). why doesn't DH set them straight?

Shadow79's picture

Oh he does. We tell them their mom didn't come to town this weekend, or she cancelled. But I am still not sure why it is our fault she can't get here... 

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

"talk to your father" Who's response should be. "I told her she could see you, but she chose not to come."

Honestly sugar coating that much isn't helping anything. Don't crap talk. But you don't have to lie or take the blame either. Not your job to cover her a$4 when she sucks.

TwelveLongYrs79's picture

When Skankula would choose staying home and banging her flavor of the week over picking her own daughter up for visitation. When she wouldn’t come through on another promise. When she wouldn’t show up.

Then one day...I stopped. I never outright bad mouthed her, but I certainly didn’t sugarcoat it either. And my SD knows I’m a very objective person in any situation. She was a teenager and honestly I felt I was doing her an injustice by lying to her...her own mother was lying to her enough! 

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

It's true.

I try to shield the skids. It just causes more confusion and stress. 

Don't bad mouth. But honesty is a good thing.