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This is a public service announcement to the residents of the fine state of Utah

Shaman29's picture

Uberskank is now living there.

You all have probably smelled evil since Friday.

Stock up on your wooden stakes and holy water.

That is all.


Shaman29's picture

I'm so sorry!!! I don't wish her on anyone!

We're still clearing out the air here two states away!

Shaman29's picture

Which poses the question.....what happens when an Uber-skank swims in the Great Salt Lake??

Shaman29's picture kidding.

Apparently evil floats.

Shaman29's picture

She might down the line. But she's in looooooooooooooooooovvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeee and moved their with her two youngest kids to be with hiiiiiiiiiiiiimmmmmmmmmmmm.

We suspect she is on the run from bill collectors and baby daddy number three. Baby daddy #3 has been fighting for visitation and since she beat feet before her oldest (who is DH's 18 y/o kid) graduates from HS in June, we're assuming there was a court date this week or next week.

Thank goodness it's not really my drama but I have a feeling there will be more to this story in a few months. A little bird told us (DH's kid) that Uberskank plans to enroll her two youngest kids under her last name. Which is different from each of their last names. Tells me she's trying to hide them. DH's kid said it will be easier if the have the same last name. I said what difference does it make's been 10 years with different names?

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

I'm sorry, Utah!! We have the same infestation here in New York. Wish I could say where I was from so I could warn you all. Maybe we need to compile a safety guide- "Skanky BMs: Where to Find Them and what To Do If One Is Encountered in the Wild." Blum 3