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Why am I shocked to find out DH's kid is spending Thanksgiving with Uberskank??

Shaman29's picture

DH just told me that his kid asked if she could stay back with Uberskank this Thanksgiving. Unbelievable but not unexpected. Uberskank, though unemployed and living off of the state, LOVES Black Friday. His kid made up some BS excuse about some cousin being in town and she would rather stay back and spend it with her family.

No, I didn't miss that little dig on family.

What really steams me is that the only reason why she's here this weekend is so she can have DH buy her the dress she needs for a school dance in a few weeks. Otherwise I'm sure there would have been an excuse to skip out of this weekend as well.

So I guess it's just the two of us for Thanksgiving. I honestly don't know why this is bothering me, especially since I disengaged. I'm not upset about her staying behind, but I'm annoyed about the change in plans.


cant win for losin's picture

You know, thanksgiving turned into a similar situation. Ss wants to be with cp so he can play with his cousins. (No problem, dh said) i too am disengaged, so why am i slightly annoyed?
Because when ss doesnt want to play family, its no problem. BUT if i give any hint of suggestion to the reality of our non family situation, then I am not bein fair, bein unreasonable, bein mean, etc...