venting - SO won't take a stand against BM
Yesterday was the IEP meeting that I had been looked forward to since Mid-Summer. It was BF chance to put BM in her place for not following the IEP (Education plan) last summer! he CHOKED!
While he did ask for it to be in writing this time, the staff just looked at him like he was stupid because he never said why. And based on what he told me the school had no idea that the plan hadn't been followed this past summed - which concerns me because you would think they would have followed up.
For the record - yes I really wanted him to make BM look retarded and show that she doesn't have the kid best interest at heart. I told him he didn't even have to call her out directly just say hey that plan wasn't followed last time and I tried to get him in to summer school but it was too late. Why hadn't I been informed?
From the sound of it BF did most of the talking in there and I told him he should make BM participate more. But she just sits there and then when the time comes she does her own thing. I wanted him to call her out so that come summer if she tries to do her own thing BF can have the backing of the school to do the right thing. Now the school won't be as prepared in the even that happens.
He called me after it was over and I asked him if he told them and he said No... I said we'll talk about it later and hung up. So ticked. And you know really it's not just about the IEP, he NEVER stands up to her and then he turns to me and complains about EVERYTHING, I ask him why he doesn't do anything to change it? Even the few times that she went off on him about me just just took and it said he didn't want to talk about it.
I haven't told him yet, but BF and I have been talking about babies and engagement for awhile but I can't see doing either unless he goes with me to counseling. I WILL NOT play second fiddle to that moron for the rest of my life just but because he doesn't have the balls to face her and put her in her place.
To top it off he brought her back to our house so they could divide up the school pics. Either (SS4 or SS6) were great, he said he wanted SS6 to get his re-taken yet still took half of them. I would have let BM have them all since she let SS6 pick out what he wanted (the background and pose). I plan to set something up and try to take my own. I am not hanging those up - SS4 maybe.
When SS6 was here (because I was baby sitting) and he told them that he got nose spray today. Both BF and BM started freaking out because they didn't know what he was talking about. Finally I aid there was a paper about it in his bag. It was a flu 'shot' thing then the argued over who had agreed to it. Either remembered doing so.
God help the children. Seriously I give up. Those two don't communicate at all. BM talks AT BF and bf doesn't talk back and or do anything about it if he doesn't like what he hears. And BM doesn't tell BF anything and then gets mad when he asks the teachers. They need counseling together but BM would never go for it, I guess they tried it when they were married and she said it was stupid and a waste of time. I can't fix them but hopefully I can fix us.
Even last night BF knew that I was not happy, he kept asking if I was okay and tickling me instead of talking about what the problem was. Grant it I should have brought it up but he just hangs his head and says "I Know, You're right."
- SisterNeko's blog
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I theme song as of late -
I theme song as of late - just change all the male stuff to female.
So sick of BM running the show and bossing BF around. God it's like they are still married.!
You're so dirty
Should have known by now you're a man-whore
You're so guilty
Should have known by now that this means WAR
Takin' out the trash
I'm on a warpath
I'm on a warpath
Lookin' for ya
You did it once, then you did again
You thought I was stupid
Baby boy, think again
You had your fun, now I'll get my revenge
I'm out on a warpath
And you're not gonna win
Our BM doesn't even show up
Our BM doesn't even show up for SS13's IEP meetings. When the state paid for in home Math tutoring, we had to make arrangements to have it done at the public library and we had to get him to and from during her weeks, because she wouldn't do it. BM is a middle school Math teacher. Weird, huh??
So weird. But sadly not
So weird. But sadly not surprising for this forum. Our BM has a certificate in Early Childhood Development - yet her son was way behind but is catching up now that he is in School with a real teacher.
We think based on her actions and that fact that she tried to talk BF into adopting a 'special needs' child when they were married that she may be trying to hold him back on purpose because she doesn't want to loose her 'special needs' child. Then people won't feel sorry for her an t more. Seriously that is like one of the first things she tells people after meeting them. Her son is 'special needs' I have seen it first hand.
But I told BF it's his job, as the father, to make sure that doesn't happen. It's my job to sit back and watch the train wreck in progress and comment
Gads, I hate women like that.
Gads, I hate women like that. Using your child as a way to garner sympathy from others is just so wrong