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Wanna see how fast BM can back peddle and think of new lies?

SisterNeko's picture

So the new report from the doctor came yesterday. Yup BM called FDH around the time she gets home from work.

But based on what FDH told me that she said - I think she is already trying to cover her ass.

- First of all she told FDH that she never got the first report. I find that hard to believe since it was addressed to both of them and had BOTH addresses on it. (and the family doctor)

- Then she went on to say that the doctor call her. That I want to believe that but I know how much trouble FDH had getting a hold of him. and it seems to me like if he called her to talk about it then she would have called/txt FDH. It was around 5 when she called FDH and I just can't see him calling her but what ever.

- - BM said she told the doc that the report was wrong and that wasn't what she said. I guess the doc told her that was how he interpenetrated what she said.

- - BM also added that she didn't like this doctor any more. Probably because he caught her in a lie. I just hope that she doesn't change docs again. FDH likes his guy because he seems to understand what is going on. BM did say that if FDH wanted to see this guy one more time then she would set it up (yeah he needs to follow up on this to make sure it happens)

I could have killed FDH because he told BM that it sounded in the report like some of the specialist were exactly sold on SS4 having Autism any more, Now BM is going to panic because he can't 'lose' her special needs child. But the specialist did seem 'impressed' with the amount of progress SS4 has made in 2 years. Apparently it's uncommon for children with autism to improve so rapidly. The only thing he is lacking is his psychical stuff - he has the mobility of a 3 year old (he will be 5 in may). I told FDH IMO it's because he doesn't eat right and/or exercise. BM still carries him! I noted to FDH that it's hard for him to keep up with children his own age, he tires out way before they do. (So sad I know)

After FDH read the report. There were some things that got left out with BM.

The Doc (per our request) offered suggestions to get SS4 to eat better and offered to refer him/us to a nutritionist. Which I think is a really good idea - but I understand I have no say in the matter and BM doesn't see a problem with him just eating pizza and fast food.

And there was no comment about the stuff that we added about me.

And this isn't over yet - when he was there ss4 saw 3 people - the doctor, a speech specialist, and a physical therapist. We sent a letter to the Doc and speech person jointly, and we are still trying to reach the physical therapist. SO far we only got the doc's report back. (2nd round)

Oh and just for the record. BM talked to all 3 of them and all 3 reports stated that SS4 has issues with kids and in public - so they must have all 3 'misunderstood' her.


CrazieCoconut86's picture

It isn't that BM wants to lose her special needs kid, she doesn't want to lose the gvn't benefits that come with having a special needs kid. I think it is just aweful that she would want him to have a disability.

Keep up the good work Sister! You are doing what is best for your SS.

SisterNeko's picture

exactly - she just wants people to feel sorry for her and she gets that through SS4. Seriously it makes me sick, but I know there are people out there that are like that.

On a plus note - we got yet another letter today from the Speech Therapist, containing the information about getting SS4 signed up for Speech therapy through the summer. I was excited until FDH told me that because of it being joint legal custody he has to get BM's approval. I told him to tell her that he got the information and would like to sign SS4 up for therapy on OUR weeks. If she says no to that then it's worth making a note of since it wouldn't really affect her schedule.