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IEP today - this will be interesting

SisterNeko's picture

BM is probably going to flip out, I wish she would melt down in the meeting but she will just send FDH hate txt afterwards. Because FDH has a LIST or questions and concerns to bring up - all of which he HAS talked to her about but just just blows him off. This time she has an audience and will give her MOTY performance. She just has to say yes - once Smile

FDH was the one that 'requested' this IEP meeting. BM had the teacher talked in to an informal meeting because 'there was nothing really to discuss'. Which is odd since there were a few things in the doc reports that said to discuss with teachers/school.

Items on the list:

- Summer speech therapy (which the doc reports said to discuss with teachers/school)
- the doc reports themselves/independent evaluations of what SS4 can do (FDH provided advance copies to school and BM SHOULD have gotten hers in the mail)- plus the reports make BM look stupid. Smile
- Nutrition issues - not eating well at school
- who his K teacher will be (BM wants her friend to be his teacher and FDH just wants to let school know that HE did not ok that request and would prefer some one else)
- The kindergarten daily schedule - so I can start working with him to eat his lunch on time and cut out the naps.
- verify summer school enrollment and asked about the returned checks. (FDH's had his summer school check returned because the kids 'were getting help for low income families' - FDH makes 50k a year and BM just got married surely they make that too. I told FDH that HE could fer fined for it later if they find out the kids aren't low-income.

Also I will not be going (my last post on the topic was if I should go or not) but we couldn't find a sitter and SS7 can't sit and be quiet. But I think FDH is ready for it, I just hope BM doesn't tick him off and derail him.

A little back ground...

SS4 was diagnosed with HIGH-FUNCTIONING Autism 2 years ago and is behind in his social skills but BM babies him (always has) instead of pushing him to get better because she always wanted a 'special needs' child (she wanted FDH to adopt one when they were married). But the doc that diagnosed SS4 told them that if they got help now SS4 could out grow the symptoms (adapt) and have a normal life - well BM heard that and has done everything it seems to hold him back. - which I wish I could PROVE it and report her to CPS.

SS4 will be 5 in 2 days! And enter kindergarten on schedule next year. Despite BM's best efforts to hold him back. She delayed enrolling him in school (this year and last) and told everyone this year that he would be in 4K next year. currently in early childhood. She talked the teacher/school out of putting him in 4k at the mid-term, she said he couldn't handle it. And for whatever reason they believed her!

BM has turned down summer speech therapy for him twice now when FDH has brought it up (with some lame excuse not really a 'no'). The first time she said she couldn't keep taking off work so FDH looked into it and the 'parents' only have to go the 1st time for paper work, after that any one with a note can take him and pick him up. FDH told her that and she rolled her eyes and said she would have to see the place (translated means, I am going to drag my feet until it's too late) if we do it we are going to shoot for OUR weeks only because we know that I will take him and if he miss 3 times they drop him.

The hopeful out come...

SS4 gets summer help! If BM says 'yes' in the meeting to anything FDH is going to get on the phone as soon as he gets home and start setting things up. Since if she says she will do it she won't or will screw it up on purpose and she can't say that she didn't say yes because we will have witnesses. Smile I know we are evil.

Meeting is at 3 - fingers crossed!


Jmom's picture

Good Luck!! In my ex's world special needs = disability check. If SS4 grows out of the symtoms checks stop rolling. My ex mother in law pull this stunt on 2 of her grandchildren that lived with her. This lady could work the system and still does. I remember thinking after spending a lot of time with the kids that there was really nothing wrong with them. They just needed a little more attention to get things done.

My mom also taught 6th grade for 32 years and you should here some of the stories of parents coming in getting teachers to agree that there was something wrong with their kids to get a check. The small town that I'm from runs rampant with disability!

SisterNeko's picture

Oh SS4 isn't on disability (yet) BM wanted to and had the doctor on board but FDH put his foot down. He said no, not until SS4 gets older and we are holding out hope that if SS4 gets to talking better then HE can tell people what he can and can not do. Which may also be why BM doesn't want the summer help. SS4 has already thrown fits when she won't let him do what he wants to because she thinks he can't then she blames the fit on him being autistic and leaves. If ss4 could talk I am sure he would say "no, I want to stay just let go of me for once so I can go play."

SisterNeko's picture

BM already txt'ed FDH today to see if he was coming to the meeting. He SHOULD be able to, she kindly offer to call him and leave her cell phone on so he could hear what they talk about - I told him that was stupid if any one called him the school should and put him on speaker phone, but he should be able to make the meeting in person Smile I can't wait to hear about this train wreck.