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I’m Baaaack (VENTING)

SloaneMichael's picture

Hello everyone! It's been a while. I am currently planning to leave, but it doesn't mean that things aren't annoying me on the way out.

SD woke up and asked everyone if we wanted to go to Universal Studios. Meaning, "I want to go to Universal Studios, please take me and buy me an Express Pass and a bunch of junk." As if she is paying for this trip, and as if she is the only person in the household. 

...and of course, DH, who has GPS from being away this week, is happy to oblige.  DH then asks me if I want to go, like I'm another child in the household.

Just annoyed, and just another sign that I'm making the right decision.


SloaneMichael's picture

It's so complicated. I went through the logistics of all of it yesterday with my mother and it's like a Mission Impossible episode.  That's said, ETA is end of year for step 2, 1 and 1/2 months for Step 1.