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Being a secret for the sake of his kids?

smek121's picture

Hi. I just joined about an hour ago. I am going through a divorce and the man I am involved with is also going through a divorce - basically because of each other. We've been in a relationship since summer of 2004. There have been periods when his estranged wife knew about us and periods when I am kept a secret.

That is the case now. He told her that we broke up a month ago. He says it is for the sake of maintaining a good parenting relationship with his ex (they have two children, ages 3 and 10). He says that he needs her to be in the best mental state to take care of the kids and they need to have a good relationship for co-parenting. Apparently, their relationship has improved since she thinks I am out of the picture.

Unfortunately, it makes me feel like a mistress - even after all we've been through and sacrificed to be with each other. I spent some weekends with his kids and that is when his ex lost control, sending letters and emails, abandoning the little one. My boyfriend and I were supposed to move in together and I was supposed to be slowly integrated into the kids’ lives but now, in order to pacify the ex, he says he needs to maintain this duplicitous life. If I choose to stick around, I would have to accept a half life. First, I can’t be around the kids anymore because it’s too soon and it upsets the ex. That means we can’t move in together for however long. Now he can’t even tell her that we’re still seeing each other. When will it end? When will we ever MOVE FORWARD. Our relationship seems to be going backwards. Of course whenever I express my feelings about it, he uses the kids and his ex’s well-being as an excuse. I can’t win. I have nothing. I have no control over the situation except to leave. This would not make him change his mind since his kids and their well-being will always come first. He is dealing with a lot of guilt for leaving his wife and children; his 10 year-old daughter is in therapy and has an eating disorder. He has not yet forgiven himself for what he’s done to them and he doesn’t like casting me in this role either. He says he needs time to deal with his guilt and forgive himself before he could move forward with me. I’m just so afraid of losing him but I know that if I stay, I’m only enabling him to continue this behavior.

His ex is already involved with a new man who takes her on trips and provides her with luxuries and conveniences of life. My boyfriend does not care about their relationship so this guy doesn’t have to be “a secret”. My boyfriend says he is not in love with his ex. He does however care about the role this new man has in his kids' lives. So with that and all the guilt involved, he is being extra sweet and accommodating to her. It just drives me crazy to hear him talk to her on the phone because she has no idea.

I am thankful that he has told me the truth about the situation while still lying to her. At least that’s something. She has once gloated in an email to me that she would rather have an honest relationship with her ex, than a sexual one. My boyfriend says that she's just being mean-spirited, because she doesn't want to believe that we are any more than that. Honest relationship, my foot. The selfish side of me just wants her to know that I'm still the picture. I think of ways to anonymously tell her. My clothes and things are all over his apartment (I stay at his place four days out of the week, and his kids stay with him the other three days). His kids must know I’m still around. My ego just wants it to be certain. Please help me. How should I deal with this?


loopylou's picture

The fact that things have already been out in the open before and then put back in the closet again,if you know what i mean,is just making things worse in the long run.
Everything works out in the end but this half life you ae living is just prolonging the inevitable.
Yes,if she knows that you are in the picture,then she may be upset and probably try all sorts of nasty tricks but she WILL get over it eventually.She has moved on and it is unfair for you to be kept hidden like some dirty secret.You deserve much more thn that.
If your relationship is strong then you will get through the bad times that may come when she knows about you...again...but you have to reamin united as what sort of example is that setting to the children. They are being taught thats its fine to lie and be secretive. Your relationship should now be something to cherish as the deed is done and the divorce is under way.It is time for everybody to move on.
I understand that he may blame himself for his daughters issues but stability is key for children and the quicker that this is resumed the better or yet more changes will just hinder the process.
I hope you work things out,really,but please don't settle for this kind of life.

smek121's picture

I thought I could play along but each time I hear about them now, it tears me apart to know I am continually being shut out more and more over her theatrics and his guilt. Thanks for your comments, loopylou.

stamina's picture

He may say that this is about his ex...but that is just a cop out. Please know that if he can lie to his ex, he can lie...and that is never a good foundation for a relationship. I am not sure what your BF wants...perhaps he doesn't even know. But you deserve a life where someone celebrates your existence and presence in his life, not hides it. Where do you think this will go? What is this doing to you in the meantime? What do you want out of life? Is this enough? When will all of the secrecy end? You do have a choice and all of the control in the can do whatever it is that you think is right for you!

Nise's picture

I’m sorry but in reading your story, I have to ask you…have u tried to put yourself in her shoes? If my husband cheated on me which lead to our impending divorce, I would have 0 respect for that woman and I wouldn’t want her around my kids either…mind you I also have sense enough to realize that the ultimate decision WOULD NOT be mine to make and I would trust that my husband wouldn’t bring anyone around the kids who would do them harm…nonetheless, I would still exert what “womanly control” I could over him to influence his decision. It seems like his ex is doing that and it is working for her…I can’t say that I blame her. I’m not trying to attack or offend you, I’m asking you to see your situation through her eyes. It is likely that she will NEVER accept you and I think she has that right…so YOU have the right to 1. protect yourself physically, mentally and emotionally and that may mean moving on and finding someone else that can allow you to get a fresh start…unless you are prepared to deal with A LOT of drama…and only you know if this guy is worth it or not…I wish you well in whatever you decide to do!

Make a GREAT Day!

smek121's picture

...that I can not be around their children right now. Since the kids stay with him Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays, I also understand that I can not live with him right now. I told him that I am in this relationship for him, not to be a mom. I wanted him to assure his ex that I am not looking to replace her as a mother. That is why I chose not to have kids. It's just the news of him telling her we broke up compounded with everything, gives me the sense that we are going backwards. Everything was already out in the open. Why go backwards? For fear she'll do something drastic again? Things can not stay this way forever and eventually she'll find out again and he'll be betraying her all over again. Thanks Nise.

Anonymous's picture

All I know about the man from your description is that he had an affair on his wife and now lies to her and puts you on the shelf for his convenience. Only you can know if he has other qualities that offset all that sneaking around. I

I am not judging you. I once had an affair while in a relationship with a guy that had a girlfriend. Later on I looked back and just felt really manipulated and used and embarrassed by my actions. It was SO not worth it.

I am just really questioning of this man's motives and intentions. What does this relationship offer you? Are you willing to be treated this way for a long time. Sometimes I think we women are so into caregiving that we loose sight of who we are. I'm sure the x is angry and controlling, but how would you react to his actions? Unless he majorly revamps his life, you could be in her shoes down the line. I would focus more on your own expectations of how you want to be treated and not get caught up in a rivalry with the ex. It almost sounds like he is playing on that angle. I only know that move because I've had it used on me. I would block her from e-mailing you and avoid contact with her.

I know this may not be the what you want to hear, but I really sense some manipulation going on here. Everyone deserves a relationship where they can be authentic and treated in a dignifying way. I hope you find that in your own life.

Just my two cents
// Susanna

Tara12's picture

But if the ex wife is already with someone new why should you be a secret. She apparently has moved in with her life right away so he is entitled to do the same. If it was me (and this is just my opinion of course) I would tell him unless you are going to be open then i have no time for you. Let me know when you are ready to be a man and have a relationship with me. Period the end.