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<3 Thank you! <3

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I just wanted to thank everyone who has reached out to me, and offered me words of encouragement of the last little while! You guys have no idea how much I appreciate it! It feels good to know that I'm not alone, and that there are so many people I can ask for advice, and who offer me some support.

I feel really guilty that I didn't answer everyone who replied to my last post. I hope you all see this! I've had a headache (I'm thinking due to stress?) and so I have been sleeping a lot, between bouts of doing what I need to to take care of the girls.

SD12 (13 tomorrow!) has reached 36 hours with no fits! I know that doesn't sound like a big deal, but after the last nine days, it really really is!

They released her from the hospital Sunday night, by the way. She had a dentist appointment Monday, and yesterday, their case manager (part of their psychotherapy team) visited us at home. She will see her therapist on Friday, to.

What SD12 has been saying, when asked is that
1) she is upset about burying her grandparents
2) I don't show her enough attention
3) she is still waiting on me to give up on her

However, her fits are set off by doing homework, and she usually says she is hungry when they are over. She's been on her period (which is never an easy time in my house!), to.

She has also complained LOUDLY about me being on my phone, too much (I do text about an hour a day, but always when she is doing her schoolwork, and I am always doing something else at the time), and she had an amazingly horrible fit (the one that made me call the cops) when I didn't notice that her sister's dog got out (the dog went straight to sister, and was brought right back - it was out of our yard for less than a minute). To me, it feels like she is trying to control me - maybe because everything else in her life is so out of control?

If any of you remember, SD12 went haywire in 2013, to. Her grandmother died on June 6th, and SD12 was hospitalized on the 14th. Also, at that time, her guardians had left town, and SD12's life was in limbo, kind of like it is now, with her dad moving out, and all the drama of that in the last month.

It was another case, where she started by constantly yelling and screaming at me (for days and days), then started making threats to kill herself (actually grabbing lighter fluid, and a knife). Finally, she tried to run away, and when I stopped her in the hallway, she physically attacked me.

I don't know. If the saying "What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger" is true, my SD12 will be one strong woman, by the time she grows up! She has had enough pain and drama in the last 13 years to last a lifetime!