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I've waited ten years for this

Smellissa's picture

Hubby and I haven't gotten to have both of his kids for a holiday in over ten years. Today was the first time!

We went to my mom's and spent it with thirty of many closest relatives (mom, sisters, brothers, their spouses and kids). It was wild.

I got a few pictures of the four of us (I've waited five years for that! ) and two of the 30+ of us.

At one point SD12 was on the phone, sitting beside me. She said "you don't understand, she's done so much for me! She saw me hurting, and she just filled my heart up with love!"

She'd spent last night with my sister, and I wanted to get the story, when she got off the phone. NOPE! She was talking about me! <3

Sd14 spent the day snowball fighting with her cousins. I barely saw her! She's more excited for family then presents this Christmas!

I hope everyone else had an awesome day, to!


twoviewpoints's picture

I'm happy for you , Mellissa. Smile

Sounds like your family had a wonderful day.