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:jawdrop: This past weekend I saw DH in a mood that I have NEVER seen him in before. :jawdrop: DH is normally laid back, and will raise his voice when needed, but this past weekend he slipped into what I call Drill Instructor Mode.
Saturday, SD10 started in with her usualy whiny, "I don't have to, you can't make me" crap, and I went to the bedroom, (still not doing crap till attitudes change) Well, DH left, took SDs with him, and came back a few hours later. SD10 was in the same mood. DH makes the comment about dinner, and I ask him if we can order pizza, which is a rairity around here, DH agrees, and lo and behold SD10 gets worse. She walks over to where I am sitting and glares at me and says "I don't WANT THAT" (pfft ok whatever, I'm the adult, your the child,) I ignore her and go on about my business. Well, I bring up the fact the DH that while he was gone, I went looking for something and couldnt find it, so I looked in the SDs room and found said item. (A necklace) DH questions the SDs, and SD7 flat out says she didn't take it, SD10 on the other hand starts blaming everyone else, and starts with her guilty "it wasnt me, it was SD7" blah blah blah (SD10 has a HISTORY of having sticky fingers) After about 10 minuets of this, DH snapps and slipped into DI mode. I flee QUICKLY to the bedroom. Wasn't dealing with that.
Fast Foward to Sunday. I get up and see that SD10 hasn't done her chores, and no sooner than I make this discovery, DH is out of bed and In SD10's room and right back in DI mode. HE asks her WHY chores aren't done, and gets her usualy response "I didn't WANT to/Didnt FEEL like it" DH procedes to tell her that what he had planned with them that afternoon is canceled because he DON"T FEEL LIKE IT. DH stepps out of her room, asks me if I will take SD7 to the park, I agree, (I don't really HAVE a problem with SD7, she CAN be a brat at times, but no where NEAR like SD10) and SD7 and I leave for a few hours. By the time we get back that afternoon, I see that SD10 has chores done and then some, and DH is sitting on the couch. No sooner than we walk in the door, SD10 pops her head out of her room and apoligizes to me, AND her sister and STANDS THERE. I ask her what's going on and she looks at me and says "Nothing Ma'am" then turns and walks off. No eye roll, no attitude, NOTHING. :jawdrop: :jawdrop: I look at DH who just grins and says "Think I got through to her that the crap and bullshit will not be tollerated in this house. She will no longer be disrespecting you, her sister or me" (Yeah, lets see how long THAT lasts) But, Maybe DH actually DID get it through her head. If not, it may be a long week, as DH had to go out of town for work, but then again, I guess I could whip out the DI mode and see what happens
