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SDs "new" thing

snoopyinoz's picture

Sooo, SD11 has actually started two "new" ploys. Her first one is when she gets I'm trouble she plays the "I'm gonna pass out/I feel faint" she pulled that one at Easter. We were at my MILs and SD started having a hissy fit because DH told her to change her shorts she had on. Shorts that were WAYYYY too small. SD started her fit then played the "I'm gonna pass out" well as she was standing in the kitchen she "passed out" and DH, MIL and I stood there. As soon as she hit the floor she started fake crying and DH told her "um yeah. If you had actually passed out, you wouldn't be crying, get your things we are leaving" we'll THAT started a whole new round of screaming, crying, ect. DH literally had to carry her to the car. I was embarrassed. I love my MIL to death and the house was full of people. Well SD screamed the entire way home. As soon as we got home and inside DH ripped her ass and she "passed out" again. DH just looked at her and told her to get up. She keeps pulling that one and gets pissed when she doesn't get sympathy. She pulled it with me last night, all because i asked her where her grade card was. and no sooner than she hit the floor, I couldn't help myself and laughed.
Her other "new" thing that she has started it "you can't punish me, make me do chores, because its child abuse" she pulled that one last night with DH. So DH asked her what made her think that. SD11 replied "it just is because I KNOW" DH laughed at her and told her "I can make you do chores, and punish you as I see fit, wether it be yard work, house work or anything I see fit" SD got pissed about that one and started in with a hissy fit. DH sent her to her room, and she decided to tell him NO so DH picked her up and took her to her room, where she promptly started throwing things and acting like a three year old. I sat back and watched seeing what DH was going to do. Well her little stunt resulted in her loosing everything in her room, including her door. DH made the comment last night of "wow, she's really on a tear this time" my only response was "yup, have fun dealing with it" and left it at that. I'm not dealing with her and her BS


imjustthemaid's picture

My SD was 10 when she started the fake passing out. She fake passed out at school one day and the principle had to carry her to the nurses office. I was mortified because I got the call and had to pick her up. Then she started the fake passing out at every single birthday we had in our house. Now she is 16 and just last week she fake passed out in the bathroom and got a day off from school because of it. I am so sick of it!!! It never ends!!

In fact every time SD feels she is not getting enough attention it seems to happen!!

JMC's picture

The next time she pulls the 'fainting' crap I'd tell her she was going to the doctor for a complete and thorough check up and possible admission to the hospital to find out what's wrong. Lay it on thick with the details of hospitalization and all the tests she will be undergoing.

It's great your DH sees through the bs and kudos for taking her things and door.

Anne Boleyn's picture

Ours has "anxiety attacks" when she doesn't want to do something. It's maddening.

tryingmom's picture

SS13 went through the same thing. Fainting. I think he was 10 or 11 when it started and it ended VERY quickly. One trip to the emergency room where we told the Dr, in private, that he was faking. The Dr played it up, described all these horrible tests and procedures, scared the crap out of the boy. NICE!! Never happened again.

Skids have watched BM play these games all their lives. She has migraines, fainting spells, is bulemic (I think they meant anemic but they said it incorrectly), has shaking spells, etc. She does all these things when life gets to be too much and she needs attention. They have learned at the skirts of a master manipulator. These "illnesses" have made it so she can continue to be a SAHM and not work.

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

OMG! Did you kidnap SS8 and dress him up like a girl??? We get the Drama Queen BS too.

Doesn't want to do homework- "I'm reallly tired. I wanna go to bed."
Doesn't want to help with chores- "I think...I'm....(lowering himself gently to the floor and putting his hand to his forehead)...I'm gonna pass out." OR "My leg/arm/foot/whatever hurts."

We started calling his bluff. OK, you're faint or in pain, you spend the rest of the day in bed resting. You can read quietly, but no toys, no video games or TV, and a bland diet for the rest of the day. The "episodes" have decreased significantly. Give it a try!

katielee's picture

Well, it's hard to be a damsel in distress without the occasional Biggrin

My sd11 LOVES being a damsel in distress. I just posted in forums about how she nearly had to be rescued from the big bad holes my chickens dug in the yard since they were causing her to misstep and nearly crash onto her royal posterior. Oh the horror!

Bojangles's picture

Annoying, but it sounds like you and DH are handling it so well! I can't imagine the fainting will last long when she's meeting with a wall of annoyance and amusement. I wonder what she'll think up next.

Mrs. Why's picture

OMG. I haven't had to deal with the passing out... yet. However your husband handled great, showed her he isn't gonna put up with her bs.

My stepdaughter's "thing" is to make herself puke!!!! Effing disgusting! And at her age (13), she has no clue how to make it to the toilet. She will throw up to get out of school, or for an excuse to get up in the middle of the night... or for plain ol attention.

The last time she puked ALL over the bathroom, and I made her clean it up. I told her from now on, when she can't make the toilet, she will clean it up. Not me, not her dad! Funny, it hasn't happened since. However, now, her younger brother has started the same thing. Last week, he puked all over the hallway, the only place in the house with carpet!


Mrs. Why's picture

Well.... I guess she just made me a liar.... This time, she walked into our bedroom to tell us she was sick, and puked all over DH in OUR bed. She was trying to get out of school. We made her strip the bed, wash the sheets clean the floor..... and then sent her to school anyway. I'm sure we will be made out to b the worst people ever, but I don't really care. At least I didn't h e to clean it up!!!