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I am totally lost!

sosmomof6's picture

I think my brain blew a fuse....

Anyone who has read my recent blogs know about the situation with SS's IEP meeting, and how BM was saying how she DIDN'T want me there, I wasn't "allowed".

A short while ago, she sent my H a few emails, the one dealing with the meeting said this (among other things)~

"Are you so childish that you and your wife can't sit with me for an hour in a meeting?"

"Having separate meetings is a waste of the school's time and energy"

"I may not like the fact that you're bringing your wife, but I will at least be polite to her"

"Keep the meeting at (scheduled time with her) and let's deal with each other"


She also said how my DH was being "petty" by wanting to have separate meetings, that's not "co-parenting", and yes, ALL of us (her H AND me included) would have to discuss things about SS.

The same BM who goes on about how I am NOT SS's parent, therefore I have no business and shouldn't "get" to do ANYTHING in regards to him

Now I know better than to think that she somehow "gets" it all of a sudden...even if, I will be completely shocked if she's not right back to arguing the same BS that she has been for the past week now within a few months (if that long)

Sorry if I'm rambling...the point is that NOW she's saying that having the separate meeting is "pointless", and suggests that it's ok for me to be there

Problem is, now that DH has set it up, should we trust her and go at the original time? Or do we stick to the separate one and continue to hear how *we're* the ones being petty and childish for no reason.....


OldTimer's picture

I say leave it alone... go to your separate meeting, because you went through all the trouble with the teacher to set this up, and honestly... don't give into BM's tyrant. She's trying to draw you in to make this a HUGE issue for some reason... interesting.