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Someone stop me!!! (sorry, a bit long)

soy_girl's picture

I'm considering doing something nice for my DH (and SS21), but it will involve spending money (lots) on SD21.

I'm thinking about flying her and her family here in the fall for a short visit.

Some background: SD23 is married and has a daughter (SGD3); they live out of state.
SS21 moved in with DH & I in December (see previous posts for story), and has been wonderful to have around. Seriously. He cleans up after himself, got a job in town, follows our house rules, and pays us the agreed upon rent without being asked. :jawdrop: Yes, it actually can happen -- but I would never have believed it till I saw it.

Anyway, SS21 is joining the military and will be leaving in the fall. DH has really enjoyed having SS21 here, and getting to see him actually become a "grown up". I'm really proud of SS21 for making positive changes in his life, and I am proud of him for deciding to join the military. SS will be leaving shortly after DH's Bday. I have to be realistic, and acknowledge that there is always the risk of him being hurt or killed in the military. I am considering bringing his sister home for a short visit so they all can be together before boot camp. DH would love to see his GD3. I will have to invite her DH, too.

SOOOO, that's airfare for 3, not to mention the pickup/dropoff, and feeding and housing them while they are here.

DH hasn't seen SD23 since Xmas. SD and her family only spent 4 days with us, and frankly, it was hell for me. She's selfish, entitled, rude, she snoops in my stuff and expects me to wait on her. I was ready for her to leave after 1 day. Since they live so far away, and it meant so much to my DH, I stuck a smile on my face and didn't create waves. (don't worry, DH saw how I felt and completely understood why. He spoke to her about the egregious items when I was about to blow.)
SD23 really is a big gaping wound for me. She's the reason I disengaged. Someone here once described the wounds we get from stepkids as a PTSD thing -- the wounds are huge, but never acknowledged and seem to never heal. I refuse to give her the power to hurt my feelings anymore, but I am hypersensitive to her and her actions, and I'm working on healing myself.

HERE'S PART OF MY PROBLEM: I know DH & SS would love it, which I would love doing something to make them happy, but I don't want to pay for SD23 and family to come here and have them turn it into an extended family visit. You know, I pay for what turns into them going to see BM and that side of the family -- if it's my dime, I want the happiness to benefit the ones I love. I know they are adults and I can't control them, but no way in hell do I want to do anything to benefit BM.

I haven't spoken to DH & SS21 yet...maybe I should just drop the whole idea.

What do you think?


Unfreakingreal's picture

Don't do it. Especially if SD is a raving bitch to you anyway. Take that money and buy SS a laptop (If he doesn't already have one) so he can stay in touch. When my son left to the military it gave me great relief to be able to speak with my son while he was in Iraq via email.
OR take that money and have a nice get away for you and DH. i do not recommend you pay for that ungrateful SD and her brood. You'll be pissed afterwards when she comes into your home treating you like crap.

imjustthemaid's picture

You can do it but don't expect her to be grateful or nice to you because of it. You will be kicking yourself after 5 minutes of seeing her face!! And she might always expect it to be on your dime when she wants to come next time!

If I give my SD an inch, she takes a mile!

Jsmom's picture

I wouldn't do it. What about paying for DH and SS to go see them? That way she is not in your life and you don't have to deal with her.

soy_girl's picture

Thanks for the responses,

Dtzy, not worried about him getting hurt in boot camp, more of just the risk of where he could be sent in the next 4 years. Lots of military in my family, so I'm not overly paranoid about him getting hurt, just a small dose of reality. DH & I are already planning to attend his graduation ceremony. It's in the southern part of our state in a city DH & I love, so we are planning a nice trip for "us" that will include his graduation.

UFR, the laptop is not a bad idea. Might consider that after he finishes boot camp.

I am beginning to realize (ok, admit to myself what I know) that I would just be setting myself up for failure by doing this. My "fantasy" of a lovely family reunion will turn into some kind of SD drama as usual.

Jsmom's picture

I am the one that wrote awhile back about overcoming my SD and it feeling like PTSD. It still feels that way two years after she left. I am better now, but I still resent everything she has done and that I never got to speak out about it....