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Update on the monster sd10

Step-monster89's picture

If i hear, you are not my mother, one more time i feel that i may scream right back, Thank god for that!!
It starts with:ME: sd, did you change your underwear today?
SD: *eye roll* Bid sigh* omg! no
ME:you need to thats gross and your "stuff" will get sick
ME:did you change your socks too?
SD: stop it, this is getting ridiculous
ME: then change your clothes and take care of your self you are 10 yrs old
SD: dad, make her stop and just leave me alone
DH: just go on, it will be okay (to her)
DH: to me: can you stop picking on her and leave her alone. she is just a kid and she doesnt need this.
ME: all i did was tell her to change her dirty undies she had on for days
DH: shes my kid, i got this. just stop


twoviewpoints's picture

"shes my kid, i got this. just stop"

Ok. You've been dismissed on all things SD. She's not your problem. She can wear the same panties for days and days. If she ever decides to change them, Dad can launder the nasty things. When her "stuff" gets "sick", Dad can take her to drs and face the drs questions on kid's hygiene habits.

You'll drive yourself crazy if you care more about SD and her well being than her own father does.

Amcc13's picture

Yeh I agree with both of the above. Effective immediately you are dismissed from all things sd. You can't care more than the parents hun
You are asking something small and normal and both of them are acting like you are an unreasonable devil
Don't put yourself through that
From now on
Who cares if she does brush her teeth, change underwear, eat veggies, get exercise, have clean clothes, whatever.
Buy three laundry baskets and only do your own
If you want to make dinner cause you are cooking ok but they know where the plates are. Let them figure it out. Or make them no food
If he asks just smile and say ' simply respecting you babe- you got parenting nailed down so I have stepped back. Sd is all yours to parent now'

You've tried to help it had been thrown in your face. He feels he has it- so you don't have to.

Disneyfan's picture

Your husband has made it clear that he doesn't want you involved, so just stop. If his kid's "stuff gets sick", (I love that LOL)he and BM will have to deal with it.

Maxwell09's picture

He basically gave you permission to disengage. You should stop-stop everything. If he can handle her dirty underwear then he can handle cleaning them and feeding the body they go on. No more "family outings," no more carpool, no more skid weekends for you. If you only get to play half the field you will only make yourself more frustrated so tell him "no" to everything.

Step-monster89's picture

Thats what it is gonna have to take because she is 10, curly hair that she lets frizz up and get matted b/c she wont comb it, teeth that are yellow b/c she wont brush them, and she wont wipe are after she uses the restroom. this kid is prolly the most discussing kid i have ever seen. if she was younger then i guess ya, but she is freaking 10 years old. also she is very over weight, 148lbs. the leaste she can do is wear clean clothes. she is just asking for kids to make fun of her.

Step-monster89's picture

I am officially done after this morning that is for sure. She dug through the washing machine to get her school clothes... that of coarse are dirty. then screamed at me and woke her dad b/c i asked her to comb her hair. done, done, done!!! I will give yes, no, and ask you dad answers from now on... if i acknowledge her at all!!

Step-monster89's picture

Thank you!! This helps alot in pointing me in the right direction! Starting today Bacon and her dad are on their own!!!

Step-monster89's picture

Oh Sally!! Thank you! My bp was up, heart rasing cuz i was pissed!!!!! but now all i can do is laugh! I say we feel the pie to their Daddies so they can see how rotten sd's are!

Step-monster89's picture

Oh Sally!! Thank you! My bp was up, heart rasing cuz i was pissed!!!!! but now all i can do is laugh! I say we feed the pie to their Daddies so they can see how rotten sd's are!

Step-monster89's picture

You make it sound like some kind of freak thing. NOPE! Just a concerned human being who was attempting to raise a normal clean child... hahaha Lost cause that one!

NoWireCoatHangarsEVER's picture

So we have a lot of posters here who post about their kids and their dirty underwear. That has never been any of my posts. Never experienced it. BUT.... My 10 year old daughter turned 11 in Feb and we have a little vacation weekender on stilts on a river with a dock and it's about an hour away. She wanted her sleepover birthday party there. so six 10/11 year old girls . It's two stories and that's been about three weeks now. So we were over there this weekend and there was a really bad smell. Went upstairs and in the closet was a pair of the nastiest dirtiest panties I've ever seen and they were thrown right on some recessed lighting that is for the kitchen downstairs. One of those sleepover guests must of done that in embarrassment and did not want her friends to see.

So some kid's nasty panties could have caused a fire in the home!

TwoOfUs's picture


Yeah. I came into my skids lives at 8, 10, and 12...married their dad at 10, 12, and 14. Never have I touched, smelt, or in anyway dealt with skids undies. Never even thought about it until I started reading some of these blogs. Of course, my DH does the laundry in our house (he always has...he loves doing it and doesn't like the way I do it...and that's fine with me...) So I guess it never even occurred to me that this could be another skid issue / indignity of step-parenting.

But, yeah. Gross. Do as the other posters say and think...not my kid, not my crotch, not my problem.

Cover1W's picture

Been there, done that (still doing it actually).

When I met SDs (ages 7 & 9) they either wore no underwear or socks or wore them for days in a row. It's like neither BM or DP taught them to change underthings, or clothes for that matter, appropriately.

SD12 is better, but then again, I don't check on her at all.
So she may be better because I don't care.
I do know she still doesn't brush her teeth. Yes, they are yellow.

SD10 I am more engaged with, and I do tell her to change her socks quite often as she wears them around the house, dirty. She does change them when I ask, she doesn't complain about it any longer. She does change underwear now every day. She also has curly hair, and I simply bought a brush and comb for curly hair and put it in her bathroom - and she uses them! Shocker!

I am mostly out of the bathing issues too. DP did tell both SDs this weekend that they had to shower, even commented on how dirty SD12s hair was. His next task is learning how to get them out of the shower after a reasonable period of time...2 showers of at least 20 min long is too much (I had to point out the cost of the utility bill he's always complaining about and that's where I left it)...

You just have to stop commenting, asking, demanding, running it by your DH. Cold turkey stop. If she smells, and you need to move away, just do so. If someone asks why you are moving away, keep it factually nice, "I don't like sitting by people with BO" or "You are smelly, so I need to move away." I've done this with SD12 several times. She gets frustrated, but the point is made. I did it nicely, so no feelings were hurt and the thing is she KNEW she smelled.

over step's picture

Once I disengaged, DH saw things with a whole different perspective. Although he doesn't say I was right, he is seeing things I previously pointed and is now frustrated by them.

Let him figure it because the more you point it out the more he'll take up for SD and be frustrated with you. Also, he'll have to step up and do things you did. It's a reality check for them.

Cover1W's picture

In the case of my's either total laziness or they don't want to stop what they are doing or want to do and bother with it.

SD10 came home from her friends house. She was wearing ONE filthy sock, barefoot on the other and her face was dirty. I let her go like that for a while, while she decided to run around the house and gather her art stuff. Then I told her to get out of the sock, put clean ones on because hers was dirty. "OH, yeah, it is..."
She comes back up. "Hey, SD10, your face is really dirty, please go wash it before you eat your snack."
She runs to the bathroom and is back in about 15 seconds.
Did you use soap?
Incredulous, she says, "No? How did you know?"
It was too fast and your face is still dirty, only soap gets off dirt.
She goes back down, comes back up, and is clean, smelling like soap.
"Good job!"