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Update- sd13 starts with ANOTHER new therapist

Stepcop's picture

Well, she clammed up. Figures. It was the first meeting, but dh said she was just flat out rude. Called the therapist by his first name, telling him she didn't lie his last name, made fun of his clothes, and the artwork in his office, just being her usual ass. I think she was just showing off. She tried to be a badass in the psych hospital, and a girl or two called her on it, she got hit a couple of times for her mouth. Too bad she didn't learn anything. I hope this therapist can make a difference. He's sort of our last hope for the little sociopath,


Kes's picture

She sounds foul. Pity she's too young for the army - but they probably wouldn't have her. Bootcamp might be a good option. I hope the therapist is a strong character.