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And now for his latest trick.. bio's and steps feel free to comment on this one..

stepmomsoon's picture

Good lord!

It never, and I mean never ends with this kid!

Now he is blatantly making fun of his father when he tells him to do something or whatever..

Seriously - here is an example:

This morning, as usual, sk12 & sk15 are in the living room before school zombie out on ipads.

DH yells down the steps "____ come up and make you bed" - this is directed at sk12 who needs reminded of everything every day. (and when I say everything - it's the things he doesn't like to do or rules he just ignores).

I am in plain sight of sk12 when this occurs and see him once again make fun of DH with some shitty smart ass remark, a smirk and laughing at him.. while flat out ignoring/pretending to not hear him (as he does any time he is told anything he doesn't want to hear) DH repeats his request. Same thing from sk12.

He does this all the time. Behind my back, DH's back and to DH's face (and mine, but that's another story).. he calls DH "brah" (slang for bro) even when DH has clearly told him not to.

I can not put into words how much this pisses me off to see him treat his father like this.

It has come on suddenly and it has become an everyday occurrence.


askYOURdad's picture

^^^Exactly... lose the ipod until the disrespect stops. Change the password daily, when he can go a whole day of doing what he knows to do and ignores he can have the password.

princessmofo's picture

I'm in agreement with the other commenters. I would've called that snot-nosed brat out on his attitude. It's your home. I don't generally do this, but I would've raised my voice and humiliated that kid to the point of tears verbally. I will not be disrespected in my home and you damn well shouldn't be either.

onebanana's picture

I would actually like to know how exactly would you humiliate him to the point of tears verbally? If nothing his father says has effect on him, how would you make him upset?

Merry's picture

My sister's kids did that to her. My kid tried it with me every time she returned from a visit to my sister's. Absolutely unacceptable. I could stop it in my own house with just The Mom Look and maybe a stern "never talk to me like that again."

Are you able to discipline the skids when they do this to your DH behind his back? I wouldn't be able to tolerate such disrespect in my own house. And your DH needs to become SK's drill sergeant when this happens to his face. Immediate consequences.

tryingmom's picture

I love the Mom Look....I perfected this with my BS, my skids on the other hand have no idea what it means, my BS told them once that when they see that face they better move their butts and get it done. Or else! Next time BS saw the Mom Look at the skids and they didn't move, BS asked them if they were stupid....get moving and don't disrespect my mom. Love that boy!!!

Pilgrim Soul's picture

Yes, to me too! BM raised the skids to disrespect their father since birth, so that PAS was firmly in place by the time she decided she had had enough of him. Which was after the OSD graduated high school. I read about families like this in Amy Baker's Adult Children of PAS. It is horrible - and the after-shocks are still felt - in how DH thinks about himself. They were ALL drinking her kool-aid, incl. him. She was god and he was a shmuck. Huh??? EVERYTHING was and remains his fault. How do skids not see through it? He has a heart of gold and an IQ that is higher than hers by 2 standards deviations. Why did he tolerate that crap???

momagainfor4's picture

it's called "pushing the boundaries"!!! all kids do it, some more than others!!

He has to be shutdown or he'll continue on and on and on and on.

Unfreakingreal's picture

Yup, Dad needs to smack the stupid right off his face. It will only have to be done ONCE.

Jsmom's picture

Kid needs a smack and the IPad taken away. Your DH needs to call him out one time and this shit usually stops....I don't condone smacking a kid, but sometimes that is the only thing that works. Usually one time in their life and they know not to do it again....

I think I smacked my BS18 one time around 10 when he called me something and he never pulled that crap again....Even now, he just called to tell me he is not working over the break because he is tired....Told him nice try, if you can get some hours you need the money for books in January, only thing he pays for...Conversation was whiny and finally agreed to do it if they needed him and ended the call with an "I love you mom"....Sometimes they just need to be called out on their crap....

Tell your DH to man up and handle this before the kid gets worse.

misSTEP's picture

I am also wondering what dear ole dad thinks of the situation. He is the one who really needs to be dealing with the disrespect. The kid won't learn anything from you except SMs are evil. }:)

Harleygurl's picture

Take away all electronics!! I have been known to actually cut the power cords on TVs or x-boxs with scissors or a knife (cause I know how to splice them back together). It makes an impression. With the Brah - soap in the mouth each time it is said. It should stop.

All kids test their boundaries but if you don't explain quick and fast what won't be tolerated they will run with it.

stepmomsoon's picture

DH does take away the ipad. He sends him to his room as well.

Nothing seems to work.

DH does deal with him on this and I help as well. He already hates me because I refuse to tolerate his crap and call him out when he acts like an ass.

DH doesn't get physical with him other than to get him to move when he tells him to - like if he refuses to get off the couch and go to bed or something like that. He has whapped him upside the head and of course sk12 acts like he beat him. He will scream and over react, throwing himself on the floor and just flailing around. It's absurd.

I agree with everyones comments. He needs punished big time, but really - I don't think for one second this will modify his behavior.. it will make him worse, more hateful and more angry. Then what?

stepmomsoon's picture

*sorry* accidentally sent before I was finished.

Anyways - we do issue consequences and take away privileges - almost daily.

He is the type of kid that says things like "you can't hit me - that's illegal" and quite frankly, I think he is one to expand upon a swat upside the head and tell someone he is beaten just to try to get them in trouble. He is that much of a liar, sneak and manipulator.

Part of the problem is DH's prior parenting as well.. he has allowed this kid to morph into this little monster. See, DH would (when he was single and when I first met him) belt out orders, then not follow up. Like "take a shower" or "turn off the video game".. so the skids learned to pretend they didn't hear it since they knew he wouldn't follow up... then when DH would finally get around to actually getting his ass off the couch and check up on things, he would then be pissed, yell and the skids would argue back and claim he was being mean and yelling at them for no reason..

That was 4 years ago.. and DH still from time to time, slides back into his lazy ways and the moment he does - BAM, they capitalize on it!

The disrespect comes from him conditioning them to ignore him and then they control his emotions when he gets pissed.. they play him. Or they used to. It doesn't happen as much as it used to at all.

Like I said, I agree with all of you.. he needs his ass beat. But will that make him respect DH? No.. that will make him fear his emotions/anger. Fear is not respect.

How do you get respect? We can't rewind time and undo the past - where it all began - actually prior to DH's crappy Disney dad ways - it began with BM and her "hand the kid an electronic instead of parent him" ways. She did not raise this kid at all from birth - age 7.

I do think this kid has a lot of anger issues as well.. that need to be addressed by a psychologist. When I look at him I don't see a normal 12 year old - I see an angry, bitter person that is going to eventually implode. This disrespect it only the tip of the iceberg.

Drac0's picture

>"you can't hit me - that's illegal" <

Didn't Russell Peters base his ENTIRE comedy routine on this?

"It's going to take CPS at least 20 minutes to get here. Between now and then, SOMEBODY is gonna get-a-hurt REAL BAD!"

Rags's picture

NO doubt fear is not respect. Respect is derived when expectations are clearly set and consequences are applied for non compliance. If corporal punishment is not on the menu then don't swat him. But you have to do something.

The only way to fix this is for DH and for you to set the expectation and apply the consequences for non compliance. Smash the I-Pad, drag the kid by the ear to the corner and plant him there with his nose firmly pressed against the adjoining surfaces where he stays until he is allowed to move. Putting him where he can hear everyone else having a good time is a good tactic to ramp up the point. If he talks he stays longer, if he moves he stays longer. Consequences are the key to getting through to an ill behaved preteen.

Do something other than yell then not follow through. Actually DH is the one who needs to step up.

When my SS was a minor my DW and I struggled with discipline. I finally came to the point where she had a choice. Step up and get it done before I had to or I would handle it. Interestingly the Skid much preferred my methods which were incident related. I disciplined for a specific incident of inappropriate behavior then we moved on. His mom applied the very long and very arduous disciplinary model. After my DW finally stepped up and disciplined it did not take very long for SS to come to me and ask if I could step back in to the primary disciplinarian role. }:)

When he got too old for a swat to the rump we had other consequences to apply. We sent him to Military School, we turned him into our beck and call chore boy. We worked him incessantly. When he graduated from HS and decided he did not want to go to college or get a job he was our non stop toilet scrubber, window washer, landscaper, floor mopper, prep cook, fence painter, scrub the cobwebs off of the brick, car washer, etc, etc, etc,,,,,beck and call boy. When he figured out how to get his chore list done in a few hours a day his mom doubled, tripled and quadrupled the list until he finally asked us for a ride to the Marine Corps and USAF recruiter offices. He lasted from his 18th birthday 8mos until he reported for BMT. He was about to go crazy from the ever increasing chore list of his beck and call boy career.

He has been in the USAF for nearly 3 years and is doing well.

At 12 the best tool we found for consequences was sentences. Tens of thousands of them. He wrote sentences for years. They are a great disciplinary method. Select a message that focuses on the infraction and set the criteria that any messy sentence and the entire assignment zeros out and starts over. Set a quota. If he misses even one hour of quota he starts over. An assignment of 1500 perfectly neat hand written copies of .....

I will treat my father with respect and not make disrespectful comments or faces when he gives me an instruction.

Can easily turn in to 10,000 sentences and weeks of snarky kid free time while he sits alone in a room bare of any stimulation other than a pad of paper and a pen. We set 120-150 sentences per hour as a quota. If he needed a toilet break he had to write faster for that hour. He got 15mins for meals with the family.

The bonus is he will have amazingly beautiful hand writing. }:)

All IMHO of course.

stepmomsoon's picture

You are dead on.

I love the idea of the sentences and am going to use that one from now on - word for word. SK12 hates to write and rushes through everything in a sloppy half assed fashion.. so this will force him to do it right or do it over.

Thanks so much for all the advice - much appreciated!

stepmomsoon's picture

Oh, believe me.. I call it out the moment I see it and tell DH.

I don't care what sk12 thinks of me or how I handle things. I am the adult, you aren't.

Ooooh.. so badly I want to just flip out on him and call his ass out on what a shithead he is..

The funny thing is, someday someone is going to do this to him.. in a very unpleasant way.. they are going to just go off on him and sk12 will go punk ass on them in return.. then get his ass whipped.