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stepmomto2many's Blog

DH Blew up on me when I tried to talk to him about parenting stepkids

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I told him that we need to start setting rules and boundaries in our household. I asked him to start thinking of punishments for breaking the rules. All I ask is.

1. That he talk to them about having more respect for us
2. To watch their language around young SS and my toddler
3. To clean up after themselves
4. To be respectful of other's when they are trying to sleep
5. To start asking before taking others property
6. To change out of pajamas when we go out
7. And to stop slamming doors

Things I need to get off my chest about teen stepkids

stepmomto2many's picture

CheriWilson I want to start off by thanking you for your advice. I will stock up on food for them and I will definitely not take them shopping. I know you and some others out their deal with teenage bio and step kids. So I would appreciate your impute. I have some things to get off my chest and I want to know if I am overreacting over normal teenage girl things.
