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At what age do/did your kids start Dating?

stepmomto3bioto1's picture

Ok. Im in my mid 30s, so its been awhile since I was a teen! But, I wasnt allowed to date or have a 'boyfriend' until age 16. My friends were the same.

My eldest SS is 14 (will be 15 in August) & BM has let SS date when he turned 14. We are out of State & BM didnt ask DH nor even run it by him. To not add confusion about what I mean by "date" I mean full fledge dating. They go to the mall & movies unchaperoned, go to each others house for a full day with no parental supervision etc. they also "hang out" at friends homes & go to dinners with both sets of parents & to sporting events (like Olive Garden & state football games).

They show open affection infront of parents, siblings, friends etc. They hug, kiss (french kiss too). They cuddle/spoon on sofas watching TV or movies. My best guess is that they Are sexually active (I hv no proof but their behavioir sure makes me think so).

They text Non- Stop everyday of the week, seriously, like from 7 or 8am till midnight (at our house 10). They skype & call each other non stop too.

BM seems to think its "normal" to start dating in middle school. This obviously scares me to death!!! Not only because of the very Real chance of teen pregnancy & STDs but damn. Why have them start so young?? These two talk about "marriage" & where they want to buy a house, etc. how many kids they want, etc.

My point being- they act so "in love" and it scares me how Real it is that they ARE dating!!! & all that comes with it!!!

Soooo.....thoughts fellow StepTalkers? What say You? When IS the Now, up with the new times, dating age?


New second wife-step-mom's picture

Ok, I will probably be considered old fashioned but I think kids should be chaperoned when dating until 18.

I did this with my daughter and I can't say that she always liked it but she is 24 now and happily married. It worked for us.

If you do not want an unwanted pregnancy don't leave teenagers alone for any amount of time or you are running the risk that it will happen.

I do think they should be able to go with friends have a good time and maybe an older cousin, aunt/uncle or parent chaperone.

StepX2's picture

My kids weren't allowed to date until 16 but they were allowed to go to school functions like dances with an escort and we would drive them there and pick up. I guess basically we didn't allow our kids to go out on their own with a date until 16 but they would still go to movies or whatever with us driving and actually chaparoning in the sense that at least one parent would be there.
Interesting true story, my youngest daughter met a boy in 7th grade and the two became immediate best friends and he was over at our home constantly. They were officially boyfriend and girlfriend as soon as he turned 16 (he's 6 month to the day younger than my daughter) and they had their first real date a couple of weeks later on July 10, 2002.
They just got married this last July on the 10 year anniversary of their first date.

RedWingsFan's picture

I wasn't supposed to date till I was 16, but my parents let me have "school boyfriends" as young as 14. That meant that we could "date" at school (i.e. hold hands, walk each other to class, give small gifts, the occasional chaperoned movie/mall "date" but that was it).

Stepdevil14 wasn't supposed to date till 16 either. She started at 13 with MOM's permission and ended up in all kinds of trouble (sexting him, sending naughty pics, oral sex and then full on intercourse resulting in a pregnancy scare at 13!). SD was exactly the same: OH SO IN LOVE and they'd talk about babies and jobs after school. She was SO devastated when this kid moved in December that BM pulled her out of school for 4 days to "mourn" him!

My daughter had a "school boyfriend" at 14. She's 15 now and doesn't even want to date anyone.

I'd put a stop to their open affection in front of whomever you can control (yourselves, your children, your family/friends). Other than that, just educate, educate, educate. Talk about safe sex, teenage pregnancy, STDs, etc. Not too much you can do when he's at BM's place and she allows it. We learned that the hard way.

DaizyDuke's picture

My SS was 10 when he had his first "girlfriend" DH hit the roof, had words with BM about it but she blew him off, said SS was just "social" Oh, and SS was also 10 when I saw text messages from his "girlfriend" upset that he called her a slut and a whore, because she wasn't responding to his text messages fast enough.

SS will be 14 on Friday, and the "girlfriend" think has NEVER stoppe, it has literally been one right after another, after another. I would bet my last penny that he will have a girl preggo before he turns 16. But whatever.. almost 40 year old BM is much too busy with her 21 year old fiance (gag) to be concerned with it and DH gave up a long time ago.

Jsmom's picture

16 for me, 16 for BS18 and same holds true for SS14. BM disagreed with us and SD lives with her now and has had a BF since she was 12. Long ugly story, BM thought DH was too controlling. SD16 is a nightmare and has had many BF's. Not my kid, not my problem. My son has his first GF now.

Both the boys said having this rule, made it easier to put it off and less pressure from girls or friends.

Willow2010's picture

At 13 or 14, they could go to the movies in groups. Adult picked up and dropped off.

No “alone” dates until 16.

whatwasithinkin's picture

I dont think they really know what "love" is honestly which is the scariest part of it all. Probably because they have the technology that they have now a days.

Texting I love you and saying it are too different things. Once they do it by text its easy. Same with sec

stepmomto3bioto1's picture

Oh. Nope-SS14 & his girlfriend DO tell each other the they love each other & I overheard him say "Im sooooo in love with you" to her over the phone. They text each other how much in love they are. They talk & act like young lovers. Ick!!! This all makes me so uneasy. They are way too young for all this!! They 'sext" each other & shes sent him pics of her body (we know this cause BM caught it when she took his phone away for poor grades).

Ugh. If y'all could just hear how they talk to each other. They seem more like a late teens couple then their real ages!! We are a good 5 hours away so poor DH feels like his hands are tied. BM called us about a month ago cause hes flunking his grades. So she took his cell phone away. But she let him still have FB! Wth?! So he was glued to FB night & day. Yet-- she still allowed him to go on dates with his girlfriend & gave his phone back after 1 week of turning in school assignments?!? Yup.. Hes still flunking. Great job BM, great job!

Convulsive's picture

Our eldest started holding hands & hugging at 16 but luckily his VERY hot girlfriend was saving herself IN EVERY WAY. I still remember when he kissed a girl for the first time at 17 years, 5 months. The current girlfriend has lasted over a year & he's in College now. They say they love each other & I think they do. She's still 17 but they are respectful of each other's goals & academics, they both have sports they're active in & jobs. They talk daily but more to connect for 5 minutes then anything else, they see each other maybe twice weekly & often that is a family thing or showing up to cheer the other on. As 2 families, we're close, our kids introduced us & my husband & I see this girl's parents more then these kids see each other. THIS seems like a love that can last, IMO. They are secure, confident young people committed to their goals, friends & activities. They are openly affectionate but not yet sexually active. As parents we're all prepared but we've all spoken a lot about not in our homes & that respecting each other means not in the back of a car. I think they'll likely become sexually active this summer, when both over 18 & traveling together.

My 11 year old also has a girlfriend. I detest her & luckily my son doesn't see her much outside of school but she is NOT driven, her parents are divorced & they are absolute trash (restraining orders, drug & alcohol abuse, etc) & this girl is trashy dressing, acting & just disrespectful. She is constantly telling my son that she loves him, wants to spend the night (tried to befriend my daughters) & wants to make him eggs for breakfast.

I think that clearly shows the difference in mature, respectful dating & what should not be happening.

PeterWilliams's picture

I can allow my kid to date at the age of 16. He is currently 10 years old. Sometimes I feel dating is not a good idea and if I say about online dating then definitely not. But, if he is interested in safe dating then I have no issues with him. darcyf