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stepmomto3bioto1's Blog

Making Progress (warning-kinda long..sorry)

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I have to say Im actually quite pleased right now in my StepSituation!!! After 3 long years- I feel we are Finally making real progress in changing the behavioural problems with SS11. Theres been quite a few changes that DH Has made- which is really starting to make real & true progress!!! Yay!!! I am thrilled & happy that DH has started to really open his eyes & see his childs problems. Let me tell you- its refreshing to say the least!!

Does anyones male stepkids 'cuddle' together?

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Just intetested to know if anyone has male skids that cuddle with each other? Mine are 9,11 & 14. The last 3 visits Ive noticed that SS14 & SS9 cuddle with each other...alot & DH thinks its 'cute'.

Anyways...just wondered if anyone else has make skids that do this. SS14 also kisses his brothers on the forehead. Im wondering if BM leaves SS14 home alone in charge of the younger ones alot.

At what age would you allow a child to have a FB Account?

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Im quite interested to hear everyones views on this. At what age do you think its appropriate to allow your child/skid to have their own Facebook, Myspace, etc accounts?

BM let SS11 get his own FB account today, with absolutely no discussion with DH ( as per their CO). Sadly this child is faaaaar from mature enough to have one!!

O/T--My little inspiration for those of us dieting!!

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Yay!!! Im soo happy right now so I thought Id share my little happiness with all of you!!!

Drumroll please ....... Ive lost a total of 25 lbs so far on my diet!!! Ill tell ya- the BEST inspiration a girl can have to keep dieting!! Not only am I more then half way there- but I FEEL good about myself again!!!

Need Advice!! BM handed over 1 yr worth of bills at pick up. Wtf?!? UPDATE BELOW

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Ok. I need some advice/thoughts here. BM used to give us these stupid spreadsheets every month for copays, meds, etc &for Extra- curriculars every month. Shes pathetically anal about gouging every penny she can out of us!!!!!

Unwanted Presents From BM. Thoughts?

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I thought Id throw this out there to you all & see what you all think about this. DHs Birthday was this wkend, and it was a milestone, the big 40!! I threw him a big party. We also celebrated his Retirement from the Navy (22 yrs)!!

Of course we asked BM to switch weekends with her so that the 3SSs could attend. It took her 3 weeks & my MIL to call her & offer to drive the boys here with them (we are 4 plus hours away) for BM to finally agree to allow them to come. So atleast the boys were able to attend. But thats not my issue, right now...