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stepparent111's picture

SS14 is playing games. So I buy snack foods specifically for when we go to work convenience foods and last weekend SS basically pigged out on them all day while we were gone. He knows that they are off limits. He has plenty of food but the big deal is he just wants processed snack food because he is too lazy to make anything. Basically he is a total bump on a log just like his mother. He eats an entire family size bag of chips in one sitting, it's gross. He has ADHD and he had really annoying habits for example everything he does is to get attention and somewhere he learned if he acts poor and pitiful he will get attention so he is not eating now like anything. Last night I made turkey burgers. All he would eat was the meat. No salad no vegetables no bread no potato. When we first got him from his mother he was terrible he wouldn't eat anything I made, It's really rude but this brat could care less. It got better but know it's bad again. So I felt bad because all he ate was the burger and I make chocolate chip cookies and he won't eat any after dinner. Now today, when he gets home from school I says you can have cookies like hello what kid doesn't want homemade cookies. Nope he doesn't want any. I got pop and he doesn't want any of that either? Now for sure something's up because he doesn't want pop either which is his fav. Ok so than I say if you don't start eating and stop playing this I am not hungry game to get attention we are going to the Doctor and getting rid of those pills for the ADHD which he begs for. I know I am harsh but really are you a teenage girl starving yourself?


fourbrats's picture

here. YOU buy junk food so that you can be lazy and not cook and then complain when the teenager eats it. Then you complain he doesn't eat enough or what you want him to eat and you threaten to take his prescribed medication away because he isn't hungry enough? What is wrong with you? He eats on a Sunday and you claim he is lazy. Then he isn't hungry (likely due to medication) and you want to cram cookies and pop down his throat. Holy hell make up your mind! 


TrueNorth77's picture

I don't think what the OP is saying is that ridiculous. OP said she bought stuff that is easy to take to work, not "junk food so she can be lazy and not cook". There's a difference. Almost every adult I know buys certain things that are meant for themselves (I buy things that are easy to take to work all the time, and skids know they aren't supposed to eat) that kids aren't allowed to eat. It's super annoying when you have your work meals planned out and then someone eats them when they know not to. So yes, if skid then eats it all, that's a problem. And the kid not eating is not normal behavior, so OP is interpreting it as a game (whether that's right or not). I feel like everyone pretty much twisted what she said into something else.

It's one thing to give contructive feedback and honest opinions when people post, another to twist words and be negative and attack! I've been seeing that a lot on here recently.

Disneyfan's picture

You are trying to get a kid with ADHD to eat soda a cookies  

When he makes the RIGHT decision, you threaten to take away his meds.

In what world does any of this make sense?



stepparent111's picture

My point with the soda and cookies and I normally don't have soda and cookies but I know that he really likes and never turns them down is my point with the pop and cookies and Thanks to the person who gets us adults buy foods that are finger foods convenience foods easy to eat while at work just for work and FU to the person who is calling me fing lazy go bleep yourself.

stepparent111's picture

The reason I called it a game is because SS doesn't like me he is accustomed to his mom who lets him get away with everything and I don't put up with it. So for example he comes home from school and he bogarts his dad. Even when we are in bedroom together he knocks on door asking ?'s and generally annoying us until we are mad. He really seems to enjoy upsetting me. Matte of fact is he is in a mood about something I beleive he purposely does this to get back at me. And yes I like to use this website to complain and vent about it but isn't that this website's purpose?