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SS creeps me out

stepparent111's picture

SS 14 concerns me because last night after he was in bed sleeping or so I thought. His father and I were in shower together and after I got dressed in room I left bathroom and when I came out I caught SS peeking in bathroom door to see his dad naked. I have caught him on a number of occasions doing this, trying to look at his naked father. I don't know if this is normal and I don't think it is. I also have caught him listening at our door if we are being intimate. I find this gross, quite frankly it grosses me out. Most of my dealings with his behavior is to ignore it because he doesn't mind anyone really. Do you all think this is okay? boys being boys or should we be seeking help for him?


SonOfABrisketMaker's picture

Tell your husband, set up nanny cams to watch your doors, press charges. Sick, creepy behavior isn't normal.

ESMOD's picture

I think it's time for dad to have a talk with his son about privacy. Oh.. and close the doors fully because I would know if someone is opening the door while I'm in the are they somehow ajar?

I don't think it's 100% unnatural for kids that age to have curiosities.. but it's his dad's job to ensure that he isn't violating anyone else's privacy by teaching him what is and is not appropriate behavior.