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HOLY CRAP....Here's the rest.......

steppie1999's picture

Some of you may have read my post a couple weeks ago about other SS wanting to move in with us.
He still does......
He told BM over the last couple weeks that he wants to come live with us and OMG the treatment he got from BM. She screamed at him and grounded him for 5 months for wanting to "leave her" and even went so far as to tell him that if he were to continue wanting to come live here that she would not come and get him for visitation and that she would disown him.....WTF???!!!!!!!
This woman (and I use that term loosely) has completely lost her mind.
BM has already "disowned" SS that moved in with us last June and now his TWIN brother wants to move in here too because of BM's mistreatment and she's already vowing to "disown" him if he keeps bringing it up.....that is, until he says "fine, I'll stay here"...just to shut BM up!!! and that lasts only until BM starts her shit again and SS gets fed up.
BM screams, throws things at them, tells them "when you act this way it's your Father's DNA coming out in you"....SAY WHAT????
SS is really fed up and H told him tonight (during our long talk) that if this keeps up, we will email BM (when it's okay with SS) and call her to the carpet about SS wanting to move in with us and about her mistreatment of him because of it (and otherwise).
SD has no desire to move in here because at BM's the girls are treated with preference, just because they're girls....BM treats the boys terribly...not that the girls don't get in trouble, just not as severely as the boys.


steppie1999's picture

But SOOOOO Hard to Prove!!!


Nymh's picture

Some of these BM's make me ill. My SS's BM tell us (and I'm sure she also tells SS) that if we "take him away from her" she'll kill herself.

*~So sayeth Nymh~*

fedup3's picture

Are the first words that come to mind - only because we deal with the same exact thing! My SD decided back in December that she wants to live with us because she's tired of the way she gets treated at BM's house. BM and stepdad have an awful relationship. He's verbally and physically abusive to BM, and verbally abusive to my SD. When she gets punished at their house he calls her names (bitch, stupid, etc.) and has a habit of throwing her things and breaking them. GEE...I wonder WHY she wants to live with us?

Well ever since SD has been with us, BM has done nothing but try to make my SD miserable. She went so far as to forge a suicide note on New Year's Day, putting my SD in the mental ward of the hospital for the night for evaluation. They found nothing wrong with her & released her the next day. But can you imagine being 13 and having to deal with THAT??

BM had her first visit since December with my SD yesterday and it ended with the cops being called to her house. My SD went to the bathroom, and while she was in there BM took her cell phone out of her purse & hid it somewhere because she doesn't want her to have it. BM claims she didn't see the phone & has NO idea where it is. It is NOT her phone...we bought it for SD for Christmas and we hold the service contract on it. Needless to say, SD hates BM even more than ever now.

Why is it that they feel they can take their anger out on these kids, when THEY are the ones who have created the situation for themselves to begin with?? And they do absolutely NOTHING to try to make the situation better. Nothing but sheer selfishness.

Your situations seem so similar to mine...maybe we're dealing with the same BM!! Ha ha.

Your little quote is absolutely correct...some people weren't meant to have children. And I'd like to add to that, some people don't DESERVE to have children!

stired_crazy's picture

I know exactly what your going through, as My ss just moved in with us to be with his dad, B.M screamed at B.D in front of other children, only I am sure she will use " HER VISIONS FROM GOD" to manipulate the 1 out 5 that we have.

cant stand this crap!
I got a vision too, its called the 4th floor making pretty ash trays and writting her name with jumbo crayons Smile

steppie1999's picture

in fact, we have pointed out to her on several occasions that "most people who suffer from mental illness aren't even aware they have a problem"
That was fun.....she had a total hissy fit....through email, so we have it all in writing!!
I have a plaque in my house that reads; Children are a Gift from God
It's too bad some of the people out there don't realize that Sad