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company's gone, now get outta my house ss.

sterlingsilver's picture

We've had Grandma and sister here now for 3 days and nights, now it's time for the skid to get the hell outta my house. Immediately upon being able to stay the night on the couch he gets up in the middle of the night and cooks, leaving garbage thrown behind the toaster and mixer and other "hidden" areas in the kitchen. It infuriates me how ss18 is such a closet binger. He loves to eat and then "hides" the evidence. He's not very good at being sneaky tho.

I just want him and his stinkin feet outta my house today and then I will clean and bring my home back to it's normal state of order. I do not like having him in my space.

Luckily SO gets to endure my sister in two weeks! }:) He might then get what I have been dealing with for three years now always having his family over. My sister is not the easiest to get along with. I love her but she is very overweight, loves to eat, her life is all about meal planning and eating and then telling everyone about what goes on on a daily basis, she is a gossip and loves to talk about other people's problems. I love her to pieces and totally get her but I know SO is going to be tired of her in about two days! She's here for a whole week for our wedding Biggrin Sweet Biggrin