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Not a Romantic Comedy

strugglingSM's picture

I was venting to a friend and she replied, "yeah, when you get married you hope it will be a romantic comedy, not a family melodrama."

I replied, "yeah, I definitely got the family melodrama!"


Cooooookies's picture

The only thing that makes your current life a melodrama is your DH's enmeshment with BM, which results in drama due to severe lack of boundaries. Only he can make this better. My DH used to think that the world would collapse and BM2 would strike him dead if he stood up to her. He has done so numerous times this year and she's now running away with her tail between her legs.

Your DH needs a frying pan to the head for a huge wake up call!

strugglingSM's picture

My melodrama right now is not so much BM - she's crazy, but DH mostly ignores her, not always, but a lot more than he used to - it's DH's terrible passive aggressive family!

Myss.Tique D'Off's picture

Those are not the only options. For some of us it is horror or tragedy.

My own step situation is like the haunted house movie. I keep hearing some creepy other worldly voice saying: Get Out!!