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Crazy BM thirty years later...

Sunflower1's picture

Some back ground.My parents have been married 25 years. Many of you know that I was adopted by my stepdad. Many of you don’t know that I have an older step sister. She was kept away from my father for a number of years. Her mother put in her in state care because she couldn’t control her around 13 years old. Somehow this was Dad’s fault even though his ex did everything she could to keep his daughter away from him. Dad’s ex made the usually pas comments, she accused my dad of abuse ect (their relationship failed because she cheated on my father).

When my mother and the rest of us came into the picture, suddenly it was ok for Dad to be around his daughter. His ex encouraged the contact and started working her way back in with dad’s family. My grandmother told my mother shortly after she and dad got engaged that she would always be his ex’s friend first. I guess Dad’s ex made a couple passes at him shortly before he married my mom (shocker, I know).

When dad started the process of adoption, his daughter accused him of sexual abuse. Dad was investigated, cleared and the adoption went through. She swore she would see him in jail. She would go back and forth from loving him to hating him. My mother put her foot down after she accused him of sexual abuse and she was no longer welcome in the family home (she was about 16 at this point).

She got pregnant at 17 and began talking to Dad again on a regular basis. Shortly thereafter they had yet another fall out. Dad had begun distancing himself, I mean you can only take so much of the back and forth, the false accusations and the pressure from the ex. It was true crazy making. It hurt him but he stepped away.

A couple of years later, Dad gets a call from my step sister’s neighbor. She had been arrested two days before but didn’t tell the police about her three year old daughter at home. Dad and Mom went and picked her up. Baby is still in diapers, doesn’t talk at all, raids the fridge at night time-clear neglect. Step sister claims she’s going to have them arrested for kidnapping and files a restraining order from jail. Mom and Dad give baby to CPS. They attempted to adopther but my step sister blocked it.

My step sister has been in and out of jail, has multiple children with multiple men. Somehow this is all dad’s fault. Her mother loves her and protects her… Does any of this sound familiar?

Anywho, I guess my Dad’s ex sent him an email recently. He didn’t get it at first because it landed in his spam folder but he was talking about it and it was shared with me.

The typos are hers:
Last Words. First let me say that I am at the end of my life, I am dying, cancer. But I have some final words for you that I feel I deserve your reading. I’ve spent my life loving no ne but yo, taking care of your child and grandchildren, or demon child as you so correctly put it all those years ago. But I took care of her and her children because they were all I had left of you. I never wanted that divorce, I never stopped loving you all these years and I’ve found strength all this time by telling myself that someday you and I would see each other again. That will not be the case. I’m told by many that I should hate you for leaving me to deal with all your daughter has put me thru alone but I cannot. She is now headed for prison for the third time. I have found hr children a decent home with much difficulty and I do not hate you. I still and in the herafter will love you as much as I did the day we got married and I am so sorry my pride stood in the way of our reconciliation way back when but I just felt so guilty at that time for having cheated on your and knew you deserved better than that, I’ve hated myself ever since, not you. Take care, enjoy your life and what you have made of it and don’t feel guilty about being what your daughter calls a deadbeat dad and grandparent , which I do not agree with.
We once promised each other for 13 yrs that we would always be friends. I’m happy ur life worked out.

Signed EX

Thirty years later and still trying to guilt trip him.


Sunflower1's picture

I think dad will always carry some guilt for how she turned out, it's missplaced but I think all fathers want good things for their children and are crushed when it doesn't happen. His ex is cooko though.

Cooooookies's picture

30 years?! You're killing my hopes!

Seriously though, what a horrible woman! I feel so sorry for your dad.

kathc's picture

What a f#cking psycho.

I'd also like to put in a vote for bullshit on the "cancer...end of life" crap. I took a poll in here once because I was wondering if our BM was the only one who's ever "faked" cancer. NOPE> Not by a longshot. There's a LOT of people in here who can tell you about BMs faking cancer (mostly their own but I do remember at least one poster had a BM who faked her CHILD having cancer. SICK!)

Sunflower1's picture

I think you may be correct-this was written awhile ago but I can't seem to find an obit for her.

I think she was hoping he'd come running to her side :sick:

hereiam's picture

Or she could have had a very treatable cancer but wanted to make it seem like it was terminal, to get sympathy.

Amber Miller's picture

I don't have those little symbols on my iPad that point upwards that people use that want to say......."this" while pointing to the above post to indicate that they agree with the above statement. So I wanted to say that I think hereiam has made an excellent point.

I myself am very sick. Will my disease kill me eventually.....yes
Am I, not right now as I'm being stabilized with treatment--there is no cure.

I've seen 2 stories on Dr Phil where these women were faking serious illnesses. It makes me very angry. It's not fun getting attention due to a serious chronic illness. I hate it.
I can't stand when someone has a little basal cell carcinoma on their nose and they say "I have cancer" and they get all dramatic about it. Of course there is reason for concern but it's not nice to scare everyone into thinking you are dying. Yes, I know, they technically have "cancer" but it's not an aggressive form of skin cancer that usually metastisizes and kills you. Of course anything is possible andI'm not a doctor and perhaps, if it's left untreated, it could cause problems but most people have it removed and they are fine. These are the type of people that once they have it removed, they run around calling themselves "cancer survivors".
I don't know but I think of a cancer survivor as someone who has been through a lot more than a little skin procedure in their doctors office.
Perhaps I'm being callous due to my own problems but I find this type of attention getting disturbing. I especially find it disturbing when the kids are told that their parent has cancer when it's a treatable form that rarely leads to death. It's not fair to the kids to carry this burden and to be scared to death due to the idiocy of their selfish, attention-seeking parent.

ntm's picture

I've had four "little procedures " so far for my basal cell carcinoma--one of which required 25 injections of lidocaine, including two on the tip of my nose and two inside my nostril--and two more to go. It's been extremely painful, my face is permanently disfigured, and I have nerve damage that affects my speech and smile. No, I'm not going to die from it, but it's not like having a wart removed.

Amber Miller's picture

OMG NTM--I am so sorry. I hope I didn't offend you. That's terrible and I'm sorry for what you've gone through. I guess I chose basal cell since I saw it frequently in the doctors office that I worked in. In no way did I mean to minimize anyone's suffering or bad things that happened to anyone due to this disease. I wrote this post a long time ago and I think that's why I said for some it can cause problems. It is hard to remember what I was exactly thinking. I stumbled on this post by accident. I guess I was trying to say that I just don't like it when people run with a diagnosis and make it out to be more than it is. I guess I could've chose something else and I wished I had.
I really hope you see this. I've been here for at least 4 years but I don't post anymore. I have read a lot of your blogs and I know you're a wonderful lady who has put up with a lot.
Once again, please accept my apology. I should've tried to articulate what I meant without using a specific diagnosis. I can completely understand if I offended you. I am truly sorry for what you've been through with your cancer and I never meant to minimize your suffering.
Take care and I hope you and your family are doing well.

Sunflower1's picture

It's sad. It's also the truth. BM screwed her daughter up who in turn screws her own children up. They are the common denominator in their life misary but it's the dad and step family that's blamed...happens all the time.

Sunflower1's picture

It's passive-everyone says I should hate you but I still love you.
Translation: I'm a saint for still loving you even though you're a terrible person for leaving me

I don't think you're a deadbeat dad and grandparent and you shouldn't feel guilty
Translation: your daughter thinks you are and you should feel terrible about it, feel very very guilty

Enjoy the life you've made, in so happy for you but I always will looooo vvvveeee you and I'm dying!!!!
I'm pissed that you made a happy life for yourself, I'm wasting away waiting for you to come to your senses and realize you want me back.