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OT update to SIL & FB - Long Message

SusiQ's picture

So yes some folks blasted me on accepting her friend request and inviting in the drama but now I have a message from her where she is looking to being back in our lives.

The reasons she's currently not in our lives are very numerous but some of the highlights for me are
She would bad mouth me to anyone who would listen.
She stood out in front of our house, screaming obsenities at me because SS got on the bus instead of going over to where she was parked back behind the fence so we wouldn't see her - I know this one was weird.
We loaned her a couch of mine when I moved in DH because she needed one and we had no room - now I know I shouldn't have but I did and about 6 months later we get a call that we have about an hour to come pick it up or it's going in the dumpster. Needless to say we didn't get there fast enough and it was in the dumpster completely destroyed.
Every time we would try to make peace with her, it always came down to he was her brother first and I was just the girlfriend. At the last peace making session, she hung on him and then yelled at me because I wouldn't not take her hand in forgiveness while she was subtly insulting me. DH got up and came and sat by me and she proceed to tell me that I was destroying her family and how horrible I was. DH almost hit her.

Please note that DH did not have a close relationship with her before me - the dysfunction in his family started way before me - I'm just the one who is being blamed for it. There are a lot of other things that she's done and said to me and to us that finally got DH to the point that he just said he was no longer going to deal with her and he cut her off. On my other post someone said this is all my side and how do you know it's the truth. Sorry I can only give my side here.

So yesterday I get the following message - I've changed the names
Glad you accepted my friend request. Im glad to hear things are going well for you and my bother. Two little ones are great. I really miss DH as he is one big part of my family. I know my bipolar has been out of control. But i have a great dr and therapist now and BF. We were broke for a few weeks but we really love each other. Sorry so long i feel its important. I would like to know what you would want from me to back up for my mistakes? Its been nine years since all the upset started and i just like closure to that. I learning so much and all my surgeries these past few years have been tough. I am feeling much better and i wish i could be given a second chance. My hysterectomy brought me to reality i will never have a baby. Not over that yet. Well enough about me. I just wanted to apologize for my past errors and ask your and DHs forgiveness. I would someday like yall to meet BF the love of my life. That would mean alot he is a good man. Well thanks for your time. SIL

How do I respond to this? DH and I have kind of talked about it and he's asking me what I want to do and I really don't know.



SusiQ's picture

That's the problem - I don't know what I'm thinking on this one - we've tried so many times in the past and it always ends up with her screaming at me and me just walking away and telling DH to deal with it. I never forbid him from contact with her I just didn't want it in my life and he made the choice to cut her out. The same with my MIL.
I'm only tempted because we now have 2 bios and the only member of DH's family they know is my FIL - SS comes around occasionally - 2-3 times a year.
She's not someone I would be friends with at all. I just am concerned about having to deal with the drama all over again if it goes bad again.

starfish's picture

i would just repsond that you are happy things are going good for her, things are good for you, blah blah blah. agree that it would be nice to all get together one day and leave it that, don't go and make plans with her.

if the messaging is consistently genuine sounding for a few months, maybe meet her and the new bf for dinner/lunch OUT in public so if things start going south your family can get into the car and leave!

DaizyDuke's picture


Don't jump into anything here... see if she continues with therapy/meds and maybe gradually work up to a "new" relationship with her.

Jsmom's picture

I think a dinner out at a public place is the way to go. Have someplace to be after so you have an end in place. If it goes well, you do any contact in small increments for awhile. I wouldn't rush anything. Family drama takes years and lots of therapy to get over.

I did this with my family a few years ago. And it has taken a long time to have any relationship. Now, we just see each other in small instances. My husband limited it to two hours for his sanity. That works for us.