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DH seems stuck in a Adult Skid Rut.

Sweetnothings's picture

That's really the only way I can explain it .....a rut.

Since the phone call to ADULT skid after BM's longggg email complaining about the skid ( cs stopped late last year and suddenly skid is so much trouble and costing BM money !!?? Surprise surprise !!) DH has been quiet and not ' searching ' for skid online at the weekends, not all weekend, just usually for a ' fun ' useless chat for a couple of hours. I don't care about that, just it's hard to see DH lied to again and again and believing it, but it is what it is. Does anyone else's DH deal with long distance adult skids this way, too ??

Also, DH has still not contacted sd22 about the event in Summer yet ?? Is he stalling ?? And if he is, why ?? I'm quite happy just saying hmmm, yes, you should ring her, when he mentions it, and that is far as I go. Most Hotels are now booked in the area, yes, I checked while looking up alternative holiday venues for DH and I.
I'm a very organised person, always ready with a plan B, ready !! Lol !! So, even if he does finally get it organised, we won't even be staying one night near the sd22, so a win win for me, anyway !!

Maybe, DH just wants to be left with the rose tinted hype he believes about the skids, no questions asked about them, radio silence from them, no cards from them for ANY occasion etc, etc.

Hey ho, I've already reserved the time off in the Summer, and will have several options ready to go, if DH decides not to go to sd22 event and do that trip !! No worries !!