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I'm Not Venting, Just Learning

TheKidWhoKnows's picture

Hey there. I'm new to this website, I just saw it a few hours ago and I've been reading through a lot of these posts out of pure curiosity. I'm 15 years old and I have divorced parents who are both remarried (Dad twice). I also have a couple of half brothers, but they are way younger than me. I read the site's FAQ and determined that even though this is a place for step parents to vent about their (apparently) god awful stepchildren, I can contribute constructively.

I feel that I can give some pretty good advice. I know from reading a lot of these posts you seem very frustrated with your skids, and quite possibly the last thing you want to do is take advice from a skid, but if you're one of those people who can handle a situation better through knowing how someone else is feeling about it, I can probably help.

I've had many experiences being a SD, and although I love my stepparents in the end, I sometimes feel like I need to vent about THEM. In the end, what I'm trying to say is, if you need a kid's opinion, or just what I would be feeling in a certain situation, just msg me and I'll try to help. I actually don't know what I"m doing here. I just saw that so many people have terrible skids and I read some of these comments thinking, "Oh god. I hope my stepparents don't feel this way about me!"


red flags's picture

I'm sure your input will be both welcome and invaluable to the posters on here. Most, if not all of us, want so badly to feel like good step parents, but often feel rejected, unappreciated, and torn between our spouses, their kids, and our spouse's exs, who often hate us and try to sabotage our already difficult situations. Thanks for your post. Smile

Anne Boleyn's picture


I was also a skid with a couple step dads and a step mom. I know many women here are the same. So please don't think we are uninformed, inappreciative women. Most of us love our skids and only want what is best for everyone. Most of the time it is the father who is the problem. And we are living with the messy aftermath of their bad marriages and divorces.

purpledaisies's picture

I too love my skids they are great kids. It was their mom I had to vent about. Now not so much but when I first came in their lives I found another site that helped me a lot but it is not there anymore. I hope you can give some great in site and thank you.