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I told you right now for a reason...

thelaststraw's picture

As parents, some of us have uttered these words. They are not incendiary nor are they out of bounds for any reason.

In this case, SASS15 said them to DW yesterday. She proceeded to read him the riot act but went to pick him up at school anyway- a whole mile away on a clear 65 degree day. His ass would have walked if it were me that he talked to like that and I told him as much to his face when he got home.

So, this little lead in is for a question I'd like to pose:

How do y'all do it? I had been told on a couple of occasions in the last week that I snap at him when he makes his first misstep. I don't however snap at the other 4 kids in similar situations. In my head, it's the whole "life ain't fair" and "you've stepped out of line so many times that I am going to get you early" thing.

Am I outta my tree? I've said in the past that I was going to disengage but this kid is such a cancer that, until he leaves, there will be only brief moments of peace in the house. And frankly, I'm the only one he shows a modicum of respect to, except of course, when he wants something, then he is uber-charming.

April 22nd of 2017 can't come soon enough. I'm going to help him pack and then I am changing the locks on the doors.