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Hello from almost on the other side

thelaststraw's picture

I recalled that I had this account and realized it's been about 5 years. Almost an empty nester.

Well, SASS22 hasn't changed a bit.  Still the entitled f*ck he's always been. And now he's in the military and somehow landed a posh little set up where he doesn't have to go to the fleet.  He'll be on a base in TX until his enlistment is up.

"But, the military will change him", you might say.  Nope, he's still the smartest person around.  And he's still abusive to his younger brother.  The fireworks happened back in January while we were on vacation and he decided to get physical with my youngest stepson and I.  So, we're both done.  SS17 says he wants an apology.  I don't want anything. Ever. For the rest of my life.

BD20 is leaving for the Air Force and SS17 is leaving for the Marines in June.  Finally, PEACE IN THE HOUSE.

And I can walk around naked if I want.

Hope y'all are doing well.  Since I'm now in the "been there, done that" space, feel free to ask me for insights or whatever.


TheAccidentalSM's picture

And Congratulations on making it through the worst of the teenage years.

Some people just aren't wired straight and it sounds like SASS is one of them.

CLove's picture

I was recently faced with this one myself, for the very first time, actually.

My husband had left his daughter (Benedict Turncoat for now) SD14almost15, at the house to go fishing. We had had a falling out of sorts and I was absolutely NOT going to be alone in the house with her (allegations of "harassment, threats of taking custody away).

Dh told me "thats your home"

Toxic Troll BM had also asked if perhaps I could stay somewhere else so her 2 ferals could "bond with dadee because they need their dadee", and his response was "thats her home".

I pay half the mortgage and half everything.

So - I would say stay, have talk with DW that this is a hard line with you and that she needs to respect your boundaries.

The day after this happened to me, DH went fishing and took his little BT with him.