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Apparently You CAN Unemancipate After Age 18 in New York

thinkthrice's picture

Talked to a worker for our county attoney's office. Yep, you CAN un-emancipate yourself in New York between ages 18-21 if you're not "self-supporting"

:sick: :sick: :sick:

And to think I was off the family payroll at age just turned 18--never looked back once.

Meanwhile Pumpkinhead (OSS 19) is living either with the BM or BM's BM after a year of being "emancipated." He's a cashier at a toy store part time so not self supporting.

:sick: :sick: :sick:


thinkthrice's picture

Yep, I think when Pumpkinhead applied to community college earlier this summer, it was his intention to "unemancipate" but he dropped out 3 months later after getting the TAP, PELL grants and student loans.

I'm pretty sure they will try and cook something up since the Gir works for CPS and is familiar with the law.

kathc's picture

Crap, I hope they don't figure this out and get it to go through. How the fuck can the state REQUIRE you to continue supporting an ADULT? UGH :sick: