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Dr Phil Doing a Whole Symposium on "Blended Families In Turmoil"

thinkthrice's picture

I wonder if THIS website will make a debut???

I had to laugh because he did a show on COUGARS (which IMHO is HIGHLY overrated) and one of the cougars said "I was in a relationship with a man my age and he had kids but things went downhill"

So I'm pretty sure the relationship she had wasn't about age there either but more about his previously enjoyed baggage. It seems the younger men she picked didn't have children (DING DING DING WE HAVE A WINNER!)


Glassslipper's picture

I hope not!
I like our "small" 200ish group. I was on that other site a while back, momcafe?
millions of people, stupid crap, ahhhh!
I like <100 comments, so you can read them all Smile
I didn't like Mom cafe, it was always 700+ comments.
Too big, I like our little community here

Tuff Noogies's picture

AMEN. small enough we get very familiar with eachother's stories and personalities.

Glassslipper's picture

YES! I love looking at the avaitar and name and being able to recall who the person is, there they are from, the ages of the kids, ect.
I love our support group!

B22S22's picture

I need to go check out the one on cougars. BM is one, big time. My DH was 7 years her junior. Then after another failed marriage after DH (he didn't even really know anything about the guy) BM started seeing the guy she's currently married to, and he's almost 20 years her junior.

At one point in time it was rumored that BM was going to leave him. All I could think of was, "Mothers, watch over your high school boys, she'll be on the prowl looking for a prom date."


thinkthrice's picture

He has a disadvantage in that:

1. He's in a nuclear family and judges step families with the same guidelines
2. Robin is constantly gasping and waving the "nuclear family finger of judgement"
3. He is constantly running a commercial for Robin's varied businesses.

I'm sorry but I thought I was going to hurl when one episode showed Robin giving her oldest son a journal so that he could write down all his thoughts and ideas. It looked as though the oldest son was embarrassed over mom's continual gushing.

I know MY son would be if I were that way--being OVERLY "isn't my kid just the greatest thing since sliced bread??!!" I guess I'm just an old fashioned Victorian lady where it was considered poor breeding to toot one's own (or one's children's own) horn.

notarelative's picture

Dr Phil

I often wondered how they got people to go on the show and air their dirty laundry. I wonder no more. Today we got a call from OSD. Things are not going well. She remarked that maybe they should go on Dr Phil, and if they did he'd side with her and her H.

Even Dr Phil wouldn't touch this mess. And if he did there is no way he'd side with SD and H.