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O/T Co-Worker WILL Go Ballistic!

thinkthrice's picture

Backstory: I have a co-worker who was once married to the guy across the hall. She is a "lifer" and so is he. Meaning they have worked here DECADES! When she first started here she was the young hottie data entry gal. Said guy married her and spoon fed her higher level computer stuff until she got a promotion to her current title today.

Both of our titles are the same. I've worked here just over four years but I have a lot more experience than she does. She relied HEAVILY on her co-worker husband to practically do her entire job here. Which has been causing CONFLICT to high heavens ever since they got divorced about 2 1/2 years ago. Her ex remarried. Which is also pissing her off.

So now her ex has started "backing off" and trying to coax her into being more independent on the job, namely, doing her own research when problems arise, testing the new hardware/software HERSELF.. .

Which is causing an epic battle. She wants him to CONTINUE to be her office husband basically.

So now the new manager's manager has decided to literally move her to another office about 10 miles down the road. Which is actually closer to her house by a smidgeon. She commutes about 50 minutes one way daily.

AND the manager is re-assigning her work duties to cover departments that she doesn't like. She currently favours ONE department only out of the four depts. she currently handles and spends inordinate amounts of time with that one dept. Mostly because it consists of handsome men in uniform. She IS GOING TO BLOW HER STACK when she finds out.

I've been told that I will be taking over her duties. Here we go. . .


thinkthrice's picture

She doesn't handle change WHATSOEVER! She's stuck in Windows XP mode. . .literally.

The manager said he's tired of being a marital counselor. LOL! She's about 2 years away from retirement and this is a unionized job. She does a LOT of thinking out loud hoping someone will give her the answer. I've resorted to playing dumb lately.

thinkthrice's picture

It was a stable operating system. I remember people saying they HATED XP when it first came out and no one wanted to part with their Windows 2000 machines.

Tuff Noogies's picture

LMAO- i'm still XP'ing it..... my computer is the dinosaur of this office, but the only time i'll give it up is if someone pries it out of my cold dead fingers. or if/when i get the BSOD...

thinkthrice's picture

We had to get Corel WP for a particular user who LURRRVVED the program back in California. Probably worked for attorneys as they LURRVE the WP.

thinkthrice's picture

I should add, I have NOTHING against being "spoon fed" AS LONG AS YOU TAKE IT AND RUN WITH IT!! The last job I was at there was a spoon fed chick and she just wanted to cherry pick the job.

So here we go again!

thinkthrice's picture

It's going down in about 5- 10 minutes from now. Don't know why they didn't wait till Friday at quittin' time. Ye Olde Box and 15 minute treatment.

Hell in the private sector, they literally had our desks on WHEELS because they moved us every month! She's got about almost 30 years of accumulated stuff here!