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Whose BM is this?

thinkthrice's picture

Once in awhile Chef and I visit a local watering hole near our rental property.  Apparently it has been bought out by nrw owners-- partners.  The new bartender was EXTREMELY loud, baudy with intimate, pornographic details of her stripper past and sex life.  To the point where it was downright embarrassing even for Chef who is a heavy duty construction worker.

 Probably early forties, bleached blonde but with a heavy smokers voice. Going over the top for tips "Honey" "Sweetie" etc.  Truly awful.  Reminded me of some of the BMs on this forum like "Meth Mouth" etc.

Well it got worse.   We went back to give it a 2nd chance to see if it got toned down a bit.  One of the old bartenders (a young, sensible woman who makes cocktails-- the other "bartenders" only serve beer, wine and straight liquor) confirmed it was bought out and pointed out one of the new owners who was sitting at the back.  We stated that the new bartender seemed over the top and she admitted that you can only take her in "measured doses."

As we were leaving,  I approached the new owner and asked if he had bought the place.   He confirmed it.  I then said that everything was great but the one bartender was extremely loud.  He asked me to point her out.   I did and he then said "that's my WIFE!"  UGH!  Seemed like the classic unclassy BM with the H (possibly Stepdad) that just goes along to get along.

So we decided we are not going back.   We wanted so much to support the local businesses in which our rental property is located but there no chance that she'll not be working there. 



AlmostGone834's picture

I can picture it. Some people should not own restaurants. Unfortunately every Tom, Dick and Harry thinks they have what it takes. I imagine their only clientele will be a few locals with just as much class as the new owners. Be careful because these types of people with no professionalism I find usually have the nastiest kitchens. Health inspections are public and you can view them online in NY. 

advice.only2's picture

She sounds like my Uncle’s ex honestly.  He loved loose women and ended up with a bartender similar to the one you are describing.  Throughout their tumultuous relationship the one thing he had going for him was he never married her…until he did.  Not long after they married he came home from work to find the locks changed and she had moved in her boyfriend.  My uncle was scared sh@tless because he didn’t realize in CA it’s a no fault divorce with assets at 50/50 regardless.  After consulting with a lawyer who pretty much told him he was screwed he got in touch with her and asked her what she wanted as long as he could keep his house.  She demanded half his retirement and to keep his name.  I think he settled for like a quarter of his retirement and allowed her to keep his last name.  That was an extremely costly lesson he had to learn and after that he was much more choosey with whom he took up with.

Rags's picture

I was in the process of selling my restaurants/bars to my partners during my divorce.  My XW never went after any of it.  Texas frowns on gold diggers and the courts will often bring some fairly painful lessons to bear in those situations.  And in a rare moment of support for my XW, she was more concerned about my claims on her future income for putting her through nursing school and writing all of her University papers for 3+ years than going after my decent but not huge proceeds from selling my share of the business. That I started before she and I met.

The last ruling the Judge made at the end of our divorce hearing was to grant XW's request to restore her Maiden name.  I was blessed to have her disassociated from my family name. As it turned out, her Maiden name was trash and just got worse after she took it back. My XMIL went to Federal prison for embezzlement, the family was ordered to repay XMIL's former employer $millions of which my XW apparently was on the hook for $2Mil, she went on to two more marriages , so far, and three all out of wedlock children by  two different sperm donors.

I hope you uncle invested in a killer attorney to develop an iron clad Pre-Nup for his series of bar fly brides after his expensive lesson.


CLove's picture

Sounds like they have need of Jon Taffer!

A few times during lockdown 2020 (and sometimes 2021) we binged that show. 

Rags's picture

as a restauranteur/Bar owner in my first career than in Grad school for my MBA..

There are very professionally run establishments, and there are those establishment that are not professionally run or staffed at all.  

My model was to hire college and HS students in most of the customer facing roles, professional trained bar tenders in the bar roles, and culinary school students in the kitchen roles.  I hired a number of school cafeteria cooks part time  as prep cooks who worked very early in the AM or in the late evenings preparing the next day's foods.  Most of the support roles were staffed from a variety of age and background demographics. I had several people move between roles over the years.

I never had these kind of issues with employees but did occasionally have them with customers.  My restaurants/bars were all in fairly exclusive Malls and the bars were part of the restuarants.  Upon occassion I would have to deal with an upity snobish moron.

I applaud that you spoke with the owner.  I also applaud your choice to take your business elsewhere.