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I can't stand my Stepkids! Lol..I guess that's not an original title for this site

Tissy113's picture

I can't stand my step kids. And the more I think about it the worst it's gotten over the last 5 years. I can't even bring myself to say "I" have... My true feelings are to say he has a 11 year old son and 9 year old daughter. And he's made them into spoiled, whiney, entitled, lazy, loud mouths! I cringe vey time I see them or evm hear their names. I'm so grateful that's they are here only every Wednsday and 1st 3rd and 5th weekend of the month. But on those weeks I'm moody and dreading it the whole time. And I just can't hide it anymore. It's so obvious that I don't like them. I don't care about their activities I don't care to hear them whine. But I've come to realize that it's my BF fault they are manipulative little brats. Which made realize that if they are manipulative brats at this age, then it will get worse as they truly learn how to work my BF. My BF and I have a 3 year old girl together, and she is so different from them. At 3 she has more table manners then they do and is more independent. If she's thristy she gets her drink cup instead of yelling from the living room. And when they are here she's so in love with them, and for that I'm grateful and see the positive in them, but she picks up they're nasty habits and I'm constantly after her to behave.
I just can't stand the whining, the talking back, and constantly just fighting back on anything that they are told to do. Just do what the F**** your dad told you to do is what I constantly want to yell at them. And slap them across the mouth for always talking back.
But again it's BF fault. It grinds on my nerves when he finally does get after them, and then apologizes for it. Stupid you just took it all back and basically told them its ok to act that way. Idiot.


Carrieanne's picture

I use to get crazy angry annoyed when my husbands THREE daughters came over. They were awful. I would have to yell at my (our) kids all think because his daughters were always teaching them bad behaviors. THEN the BM decided to drop them off at our house one day 5years ago and never come back for them. Girl, let me tell you. My anger has turned towards hatred and my dumb H could care less. Every. Day. I think about leaving. I am so miserable living w his kids. I pray this never happens to you but if it should, RUN like hell. GO.