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God grant me the serenity....

totallyexhausted's picture

i knew the knot was growing in the pit of my stommache for a reason... And then I found out why...
so I went to school about 4:30pm my hubby picked up SS8 from daycare around 4:45 just as he has done 100's of times. BUT BM decided that today was the day that it is unacceptibale to pick him up early. So, (heres where it gets interesting so pay attention) she shows up at my house about 6:30pm yellin and curseing beligerantly. She stood in the doorway so that it couln't be closed. yelling that she wanted "HER SON" and he had no right to take "HER SON" before 6 (never mind that it was never a problem before) my BD11 pops her head out the door to say SS8 is upset because he thinks BM is gonna take him home. she started SCREAMING. "Give me my son" Wench turns to MY CHILD And says "you need to go somewhere" My BD11 says "YOUR EVIL" BM says "I know. I'm sorry you have to live with him" BD11 says" No. he's Awsome. but you are PURE EVIL" hubby shuts the door and calls the locals to file a report... I'm planning on gettin a protective order Monday..... am I overreacting for that??


Angel72's picture

She stood at your door way disturbing your household, emotionally disturbing your son and interacted with you daughter and was completely out of line.
I'm so proud your daughter told her she's evil.

Nymh's picture

Wow, I wonder what caused BM to randomly decide that she wasn't OK with that anymore...

Legally I don't think she will have a leg to stand on in this situation. If it wasn't OK with her that your DH pick up SS from daycare, then she should have picked him up herself. Obviously she didn't do that, and hasn't for quite some time when it's time for him to come on visitation. I think if she was to file a lawsuit for contempt on his part, it would get thrown out.

I think if you didn't get an order of protection against her for BREAKING INTO YOUR HOME like you explained she did in your last post, then you definitely should get one now.

*~So sayeth Nymh~*

totallyexhausted's picture

As far as haveing a legal leg. Even if she did we have OH SO much more. And we have made sure ours is well recorded...
I know I should have followed through with the report and a protective order but I was nieve. For one I didn't want to be the evil SM that sent mommy to jail (turns out I'm evil anyway) and also I figured she was still dealing with all the emotional issues of realizeing she is an evil hoe-bag since the divorce was still fairly fresh.( turns out she's just naturally an evil hoe-bag)

Excuses are tools of the foolish. They build monuments to nothingness and those who are masters of them are seldom good at anything else.