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Tropical1's Blog

It is now over... after BM accused me of harm.

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Not sure if anyone remembers my last post it was almost a year ago, BM accused me of hurting SD. This was a split second accusation which was quickly squashed but not once did i get an apology.. Since then i had taken a huge step back as a step mum. Which in turn has now caused us to end.  Bit of a back ground, BM is the most toxic, abusive, narcassistic piece of s*** to ever walk this earth. Gives us Bio mums a bad name! One rule for her and one rule for everyone else.


BM & Skid drama. Glad i'm not the only one.

Tropical1's picture

So until i found out about this site i honestly thought i was an absolute monster for sometimes getting so sick fed up of the same drama from the BM and SKids. 

*Also if someone can fill me in on the lingo that would be great. I get SD is stepdaughter and SS is step son but seen a YSD no idea what that is lol or OH*

