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BM Trying to Sabotage SD's Counseling

TryingSoHard's picture

SD's behavior and attitude has improved since we've begun taking her to talk therapy. She and her dad went together the first session, and SD and counselor invited me to come the second time. I had an engagement I couldn't get out of, so I told her I would be sure and make it the next time. SD lives with us.

As soon as BM got wind that I was invited to the counseling session, she started poisoning SD with the idea that she doesn't need to have "family counseling" with her dad and me. What she really means is that she should be the one to be in family counseling with SD and SO. She's jealous and wants to sabotage the whole thing. This makes me sick because it's really been helping SD, and BM just doesn't care. She sees it as a threat to her "family" with MY significant other. They have been divorced seven years and she's still hanging on for dear life.

So today we're going out of town and we made arrangements for SD to stay with a friend until we get back. We also had her make arrangements for a ride to her session this afternoon (it was left at her discretion who she wanted to drive her). She planned to have a friend take her.

Well, yesterday, SO gets a text from BM: "What time is SD's appointment tomorrow? I want to make sure she has a ride."

SO: "She said Joey was taking her. I'm not sure of the time."

BM: "She said Joey can't take her. I just want to make sure she gets there." Joey is PERFECTLY AVAILABLE AND WILLING to take her. BM insisted on taking her instead so she can talk to the counselor (before I get the chance to) and badmouth us in front of SD.

So, this morning, SO called BM and talked to her about her bullshit. She flipped out like there was something wrong with him for being concerned. We're also calling the counselor and paying for the session ahead of time so BM can't offer to pay. SO is talking to counselor right now and warning her about the little appearance BM is about to make.

I'm not saying BM couldn't come to counseling with her daughter, it's just that it's up to SD and her therapist... not BM. This is just another incidence of BM using children as weapons against us.


VioletsareBlue's picture

We sorta have gone through this too. The Orc went so far as to ask the court to order me and DH to tell SD16 that she needed to go to "reintegration" therapy with the Orc and that the Orc would pick her counselor. I refused. SD16 said she would go to counseling with the Orc on her terms with her current counselor or not at all. They've gone together once.... it was a joke.

Auteur's picture

In my case, the skids "begged" their dad (GG) to go to counseling sessions. Then blew him off by either never contacting him again or simply standing him up three times in a row.

Turns out it wasn't the kids begging. It was the Behemoth (BM) orchestrating the whole thing. The Behemoth knows that GG isn't fond of counseling but thought the invitations would tug at his "heartstrings" and guilt him into. . . .

Choose one:

1) Attending Counseling Sessions and rectifying his relationship with the children

2) Getting GG to be a non-parental status on the fly babysitter so that the Behemoth can "kill three birds with one stone"
a. Get back to having the skids spy on me and GG and report to the BM ship
b. Putting a deeper wedge between me and GG relationshipwise (me being a doormat again)
c. Getting yet another willing party to dump her kids off to (where no discipline or boundaries will take place)

If you chose option TWO (subset A,B & C) you ARE A WINNER!!!!

GG called the Behemoth's bluff by trying to attend the counseling sessions. WHOOPS! THAT wasn't supposed to happen. . . :evil:

Jsmom's picture

I wouldn't worry about it, the counselors do see this all the time and don't give it much credit. Our BM didn't like what the counselors said and so SD last I heard was on number three.

My SD tried to blame me for everything in a counseling session with DH and the therapist told her she was wrong and I did nothing wrong and it was what moms do. She told her to get over it. After that she stopped going to her...