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Anxiously awaiting DH's next move

tterry316's picture

I've blogged about my DH's BM keeping the kids and deciding not to return them after summer visit. She dropped all 3 skids off at a female cousins house way across the country and dipped out on deployment. My husband has yet to make a move. He's miserable, distracted, and depressed. He is torn because the BM lied and said the skids don't feel welcomed in our home. that's the biggest load of BS I've ever heard!!! plain and simple. The manipulative youngest wants to be around individuals who cater to her every move.
I'm anxiously awaiting her next move. I'm scared she is going to take legal action of some kind. I want my DH to go to court and file for sole custody but i'm torn because I don't want the drama in my house and around my 2 bios.
I hope she sticks to the verbal agreement for support but based on her actions i don't think I can count on her to do that.
We are making ends meet but in today's economy that means nothing. DH is going through a merger so he may or may not have a job at the end of this year. My salary doesn't even equal a third of what he makes. So I'm worried. I'm asking myself how in the world will I support a DH while he finds work (if that's the outcome), pay mortgage and household bills (food alone will put us in the poor house), and care for a total 5 kids instead of 2.
I want to offer advise on what i think he should do but I know that those decisions will have a huge impact on every aspect of our lives.
I feel so bad for my DH. I know he was a lot of his shoulders right now. I can only be here to listen and provide emotional support.
Once again BM had made another selfish choice and now we all have to pick up the pieces and figure out next steps.
Am I wrong for feeling this way?

I will be extremely glad when this woman no longer has the power to affect my life and the lives of my children.


sixteensmom's picture

I'm not sure I understand. Do you want the kids back or no? If you get the kids back you get cs from bm, but with that comes drama... and a happier DH.

Get em back.