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Tired of Dh being so sensitve about his kids!!!

txcajunmom's picture

Ok so at our dd3 birthday party at a popular pizza place for children with arcade games and all, i am doing everything!! our hostess was horrible, we ended up getting the party free because they forgot our food and we had to wait 45 extra minutes for the kids to eat while they watched other parties eating. dd3 is VERY hyperactive so i was trying to keep her interested in opening her presents and eating, etc. (all she wanted to do was go play games lol) while dh sat on his lazy butt doing NOTHING!! ss6 came to me in all the madness and told me he needed more to drink. ok. i tell him to go tell his dad. i had 1 million things going on and dh is watching. well apparently i should have dropped everything to get the kid a refill (that he could have went and done himself) because since i told him to tell his dad, i was being mean to him. i'm sorry but i'm not going to start kissing butt so i dont offend anyone!! never have, never will! not sure how to get dh to realize that he takes things way to personally...


txcajunmom's picture

thanks guys...i didnt think i was out of line but he tries to make me feel bad for anything i say to them...i guess if if dont worship the ground they walk on, i'm being mean?? the funny thing is, i would tell my dd the same thing if it was the other way around!!

overit2's picture

Honestly that wasn't mean or out of line, he should have stepped in to help, period!!! Ughh, I feel for you, my exh was that way-still is...let me do all the running after the kisd during bdays, meals, etc...oh and those pizza/arcade/kid places are hell, I know, I had several bday parties there! Hated it lol

But I remember my ex doing the same darn thing you mentioned. In fact he was so narcissistic that any holiday/bday of the kids was RUINED as he had to make a scene to make it about HIM since he didn't have all the attention. He resented his youngest was born a day b4 his bday because well what about MY bday party? Really???

This last wknd was my oldest sons bday-crazy me decides to invite several other 11yr old boys to the house for a BBQ. What was I thinking huh? lol But it was great!
My bf was coming w/his girl...I asked my ex to NOT come and just see the kids next day which it was his wknd anyway-it just pisses me off to see him do nothing anyway so why have him there.

Here's the HUGE difference between the ex and the bf-and oh what a man I have now!

Yes, I ran around buying the stuff for the party, was already ragged and barely had time to shower before they started arriving.

My BF took on the entire grill duty, hamburgers, buns, hotdogs, all of it..I didn't have to go out once, he foudn the pans, the cheese, water to spray the grill. He handled the whole thing. Which left me plenty of time to get the stuff inside set up. He went around (always does on daily but during the bday party it was more obvious to me because of how my ex was) making sure everyone had food, prepare the plates, serving drinks, helping w/the cake, napkins, whatever it was.

He went out on his own earlier that day and brought cans of silly string and some poppers and got all the kids to the backyard and handed them out and supervised it so they could have fun. They had a blast with it.

Brought his electric guitar and amp over because he knows how much the boys like to rock out, and played for them and allowed them to play-full blast rocking out... he made the party FUN for my son and his friends, he made it nice for me by helping me and doing fun things for the kids, helped me clean up. He tries to lighten my burden and help out and not be a bump in the log useless figure sitting around wondering why YOU aren't superwoman.

Stand your ground, explain how important acts of service are to you. Hopefully he can see the light, I really hope so for your sake.

txcajunmom's picture

overit...that is no lie. those places are hell!! i will never do that again!! lol but you are so right, i do all the planning, decorating, ordering the cake, EVERYTHING. and yes i barely got us there on time because i was so busy getting everyone else ready. it really just drives me nuts that i am expected to do 100% of everything! i do not mind doing more work when the kids are with us but he should put in just as much as me, afterall he's bringing two extra children in the picture. i am only one person!!

and how nice for you!! wow that's really great that you have someone to help out they way he does! maybe one day dh will do the same!! i would really love to enjoy time with the kids instead of workin my butt off!! no lie, when his son was like 5...i had picked him up from school and as soon as we got home i started supper and he asked, "tx why are you ALWAYS in the kitchen?" lol i nearly died!! kids are so honest!!