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Absent BM and OT rudeness!

Vichychoisse's picture

First, BM decided not to come visit for SD10's birthday, which is on Tuesday, and the party is today.

When she left the state, it was supposed to be temporary, so she could live with her boyfriend while she collected UI and looked for a job here. It was supposed to be about 3 months, but if it was longer, she was filled with promises of "commuting" (yes, she actually used this word for an 8+ hour drive, as if she'd be doing it regularly) to see the skids often. That has happened once, and we sent them there for a week at Christmas. They have now been with us for 6 months full time. And now she's not visiting for the birthday.

Last night SO said, "so I guess this is the next step in the long drama of BM abandoning her kids. What's next?" He suggested she might not let them come visit for Spring Break. I said that I just want her to fucking admit that she's not coming back, so we can get more CS and I can decide if this is really how I want to live my life.

Second, we're having this birthday party today. A parent of one of the invited kids dropped her off TWO HOURS before it was supposed to start, NO warning to us besides a call from the girl to SD10, when she was already ON HER WAY. She told SD10 it was the only time her mom could drop her off. Now, admittedly I am new to this, but that is not okay! Is it?? Two hours early with no call to us from the parent?